

Study on the evolutive phases and climatic factors characteristics of birth and disease trend in 13 878 patients with Parkinson’s disease
摘要 目的:利用运气学原理分析帕金森病(PD)患者的出生运气规律,从运气角度探讨PD的病因病机。方法:收集中国人民解放军总医院2009年1月1日—2018年12月31日PD患者信息,根据出生日期统计出生运气,同时抽取同期非PD患者10万例作为对照,对比各运气下PD患病情况,利用运气学说进行探讨。结果:PD患者受季节性运气因素影响较大,总体上与五行土、金相关的运气多是促患因素,与五行火相关的运气多是阻患因素,而与五行水相关的运气既有促患因素又有阻患因素,根据气化之"常"与"变"又有不同情况。结论:综合分析其病机可能与寒凝血瘀、脾胃虚弱、肾气亏虚、木气被郁等有关。 Objective: To analyze the birth evolutive phases and climatic factors of Parkinson’s disease patients using the theory of evolutive phases and climatic factors, and to explore the etiology and pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease from the perspective of evolutive phases and climatic factors. Methods: The informations on Parkinson’s patients admitted to the Chinese PLA General Hospital from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2018 were collected and counted the birth luck based on the date of birth. At the same time, we selected non-Parkinson’s patients during the same period as a control, compared the condition of Parkinson’s disease under each evolutive phase and climatic factor, and used the theory of luck to discuss. Results: Parkinson’s patients are greatly affected by seasonal luck factors. Generally speaking, there are more luck related to the five elements of soil and gold. It is a predisposing factor. The evolutive phases and climatic factors related to the five elements fire is mostly a hindrance factor, while the evolutive phases and climatic factors related to the five elements water has both a promoting factor and a hindering factor. It is different according to the ‘constant’ and ‘change’ of qi transformation. Conclusion: Comprehensive analysis of its pathogenesis may be related to cold blood stasis, weakness of spleen and stomach, weakness of kidney qi, stagnation of wood qi and so on.
作者 王学林 汪安安 李绍旦 杨明会 WANG Xue-lin;WANG An-an;LI Shao-dan;YANG Ming-hui(Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chinese PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100048,China;National Engineering Laboratory of Medical Big Data Application Technology,Chinese PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100853,China)
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期6431-6436,共6页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 “万人计划”百千万工程领军人才项目(No.组厅字[2014]12号) 中医药传承与创新“百千万”人才工程(岐黄工程)岐黄学者。
关键词 运气学说 五运六气 帕金森病 五行 病机 Evolutive phases and climatic factors theory Five evolutive phases and six climatic factors Parkinson’s disease Five elements Pathogenesis
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