
混合式教学模式的高效利用研究 被引量:1

Research on efficient use of blended learning mode
摘要 随着社会科技发展和疫情防控的需要,传统的面对面教学模式与单纯网络教学显露出明显的不足。基于教师主导和学生主体双主原则的混合式教学模式越来越受到很多高校师生的欢迎。文章从混合式教学设计原则、教学模式的选择、教学过程的实施以及教学需要注意的问题等方面,阐述了如何做到混合式教学模式的高效利用。只有充分了解和遵循混合式教学模式的运行规律,这种现代化教学模式才能够真正实现教学环境、学习方式、评价方式等方面的融合,实现学生的个性学习与共性学习有机结合,切实提高教学效能。这些都为实现混合式教学的大规模推广奠定基础。 With the Social technological development and needs of epidemic prevention and control,the traditional faceto-face and simple online teaching models have gradually developed their inherent shortcomings.The blended learning model based on the dual center principle of teachers leading and students dominating is more and more popular in many colleges and universities.This article discussed how to use efficiently the blended learning model from four aspects given as follows:the mixed teaching design principles,the choice of teaching mode,the implementation of the teaching process,and its potential problem.Only fully understanding and following the operating rules of the burgeoning blended learning model can we truly realize the integration of the teaching environment,learning methods,evaluation methods,and the individual learning and common learning etc.Only this way will the teaching effect and performance really improve.Furthermore,it will lay a foundation for the application of blended learning model on a large scale.
作者 吕英海 崔志芳 高中政 Lyu Yinghai;Cui Zhifang;Gao Zhongzheng(College of Chemical and Biological Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China)
出处 《无线互联科技》 2022年第4期109-111,共3页 Wireless Internet Technology
基金 山东科技大学2020年校级教育教学研究“群星计划”项目,项目编号:QX2020M47。
关键词 混合式 教学模式 高效 利用 blended teaching mode efficient use
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