
大变局时代新文科的价值审视与实践逻辑——哲学视野的诠释 被引量:2

Value Examination and Practical Logic of New Liberal Arts in the Era of Great Change——A Philosophical Perspective
摘要 “百年未有之大变局”下,面对世界文明秩序的冲突和重组,中国应开拓什么样的文明新形态?面对中国社会的迅猛变化,我们应如何关切社会精神生活、开启新的时代之思?作为反思之学,哲学必定要在这些问题上担负起重大责任。如何更好地把脉时代的精神状况,回答时代提出的重大现实问题,是新文科建设背景下哲学学科面临的重要课题。为进一步把握新文科建设与发展的总体方向。 How to link philosophy more closely with the spiritual life of ordinary people, so that philosophy can take the pulse of the spirit of the times and become a practical way to help people explore the way of a better life are important issues. It is an important task for philosophy subject to shoulder great responsibility under the background of new liberal arts construction.According to Professor Sun Zhouxing, human technological engineering and artistic humanities will constitute a new pattern of human culture in the future, so that the humanities should be updated and reformed. The new liberal arts reform should not only cross disciplines, but also add new disciplines, and build arts and humanities to adapt to the development of the times, so as to resist the dangerous tendency of homogenization and generalization of technology and industry. Professor Chen Shaoming pointed out that the cultivation function of humanities should be highlighted. It is the mission of philosophy to strengthen or improve the participation of spiritual forces and make the future world more spiritual, so as to meet the requirements of human nature. Professor Zhang Renzhi pointed out that the fundamental of the transformation of philosophy lies in defending common sense and enlightening the mind. Defending common sense means that today’s philosophy needs to return to life, face the world. Professor Wang Jun called on contemporary philosophical research to realize spatial transformation in three dimensions: break through the space of discipline organization;break through the space of colleges and universities;break through the inherent cultural and geographical space. Professor Zhu Cheng believes that as far as the changing public life is concerned, public feelings, public rationality, knowledge and ability are particularly necessary to shape a good public spirit. Professor Zhang Xi proposed that the construction of “new liberal arts” should pay special attention to the new changes in the major historical turning period, and timely and consciously catalyze the awareness of new problems and the output mode of new knowledge within the discipline. Dr. Wang Zheng found that the important direction of the new liberal arts and new humanistic spirit is to endow people’s life with humanistic significance and provide a constructive and good form of life.
作者 张蕾 孙周兴 陈少明 张任之 王俊 朱承 张曦 王正 Sun Zhouxing;Chen Shaoming;Zhang Renzhi;Wang Jun;Zhu Cheng;Zhang Xi;Wang Zheng
出处 《探索与争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期4-28,177,共26页 Exploration and Free Views
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