

A Glimpse of the Son of Heaven:A Bagong’s(Tribute Student for Preeminence)Personal Experience of Final Court Examination in Beijing in the Late Qing Dynasty
摘要 科举停废后,优拔贡考试作为清廷的善后之策,吸引大量士子参加。川籍士子彭阜成《庚戌北上日记》,从微观视角呈现出普通士人对拔贡朝考的观感,通过其视野、行踪,探讨清末士子在北京城的流动,游走其间的心态,并深入清末新政的背景了解优拔贡考试生活的实态。彭氏详细记录了他在皇宫内考试和入朝觐见的过程,以及居京期间的交际、购物和休闲活动,他以外来者的视角审视清末北京的日常与变动。赴京应考不仅为彭阜成提供了宝贵的仕进机会,还使他得以近距离观察清王朝的统治中枢,并从京城生活的细节中捕捉时代变革的讯息。 After the abolition of the imperial examination in the Qing Dynasty(1644⁃1911),as a policy for the aftermath,the examinations for Yougong(优贡tribute students of excellence)and Bagong(拔贡tribute students for preeminence)attracted a large number of scholars to participate.Gengxu Beishang Riji(《庚戌北上日记》Diary in 1910:Going North for Final Court Examination)by Peng Fucheng(彭阜成),a scholar from Sichuan Province,presents a common scholar’s observations and impressions of the Final Court Examination for selecting Bagong from a microscopic perspective.Through his vision and whereabouts,he discusses the scholars’tours and psychological activities in Beijing at the end of the Qing Dynasty.Going deep into the background of the Late Qing Reform(1901⁃1912),he explores the real state of life of the imperial examinations for Yougong and Bagong.Peng recorded in detail the process of his examination in the imperial palace,his meeting with the emperor,his social interactions,shopping,and leisure activities during his stay in Beijing.He examined the daily life and changes of Beijing in the late Qing Dynasty from the perspective of an outsider.Going to Beijing to take the exam not only provided Peng Fucheng with a valuable opportunity to become an official,but also enabled him to observe the ruling center of the Qing Dynasty at a close distance,and to capture the message of changing times from the details of the life in Beijing.
作者 王康 WANG Kang(Institute of Modern History,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第3期30-38,共9页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 清末新政 北京 拔贡 废除科举 the Late Qing Reform(New Administration/Policies of the Late Qing Dynasty) Beijing Bagong(Tribute Student for Preeminence) the abolition of the imperial examination
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