
粤港澳规范高层建筑结构抗风计算对比分析 被引量:2

Comparative analysis of wind-resistance calculation of high-rise building structures in Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao code
摘要 鉴于粤港澳地区建筑结构抗风规范存在差异大、不兼容的问题,就典型高层建筑结构抗风计算方法进行对比分析,并结合风洞试验结果得出各规范在风荷载及荷载效应方面的宽严程度。结果表明:粤港澳抗风规范风荷载计算基本风压取值参数不同,取值方式及大小、影响因素的理论背景等也有不同程度的差异,按照广东规范B类地貌计算所得风荷载与香港地区规范基本相当,澳门地区规范风荷载计算结果最大;广东规范主要以层间位移角为结构风致位移控制目标,香港地区规范和澳门地区规范除了层间位移角,还对结构整体水平位移进行限制;在结构风振舒适度方面,只有广东规范和香港地区规范对此进行了考虑,但其影响因素和宽严程度存在一定差异;粤港澳规范在风致结构水平位移方面的严格程度大致为:澳门地区规范>广东规范>香港地区规范,在风振加速度方面,广东规范严格程度要高于香港地区规范。 In view of the differences and compatibility of wind-resistance design codes for buildings in Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao,the wind resistance calculation methods of typical high-rise building structures in these codes were compared and analyzed,in which the leniency of wind loads and load effects of each code were carried out by wind tunnel tests.The results show that the basic wind pressure in wind resistance design codes of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao are different as well as their theoretical background,calculation method and influence factors.The wind load calculated according to Guangdong code for exposure category B is basically equivalent to which calculated regarding to Hong Kong code,while the calculation result of Macao code is the largest.Guangdong code mainly takes lateral drifts as the criteria of estimating wind-induced displacement while Hongkong code and Macao code not only provide limitation on story drift,but also on displacement.Only Guangdong code and Hong Kong code consider the structural wind-vibration comfort,there are certain differences in influencing factors and the degree of leniency.The stringency of the limitation in lateral drifts among these three codes roughly follows the order of:Macao code>Guangdong code>Hongkong code.In terms of wind-vibration acceleration,Guangdong code is stricter than Hong Kong code.
作者 仇建磊 孙凌志 李庆祥 马扬 许伟 肖丹玲 QIU Jianlei;SUN Lingzhi;LI Qingxiang;MA Yang;XU Wei;XIAO Danling(Guangdong Provincial Academy of Building Research Group Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510500,China)
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期27-35,26,共10页 Building Structure
关键词 粤港澳规范 高层结构 抗风设计 规范对比 Guangdong Hong Kong and Macao code high-rise building structure wind-resistance design comparison of code
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