
X射线引导建立大鼠椎间盘退变模型 被引量:3

Establishing a rat model of intervertebral disc degeneration using X-ray guidance
摘要 背景:目前国内外对于椎间盘退变的造模方法较多,但存在定位不精准问题。目的:对比X射线引导下与非X射线引导下建立大鼠椎间盘退变模型的效果。方法:取9只成年SD大鼠,按照随机数字表法分3组,每组3只,空白组不进行任何操作;对照组手动定位尾椎Co_(6/7)椎间盘,用注射器针头进行垂直穿刺,并均匀缓慢注入无水乙醇,建立椎间盘退变模型;实验组在X射线辅助下定位尾椎Co_(6/7)椎间盘,用注射器针头进行垂直穿刺,并均匀缓慢注入无水乙醇,建立椎间盘退变模型。术后1周,分别进行MRI及苏木精-伊红染色观察。结果与结论:①MRI检查:空白组大鼠Co_(6/7)椎间盘髓核呈高信号,纤维环、终板呈低信号,两者界限清晰;对照组大鼠Co_(6/7)椎间盘髓核信号降低,可见约一半髓核高信号椎间盘;实验组大鼠Co_(6/7)椎间盘髓核信号完全消失;②苏木精-伊红染色:空白组椎间盘髓核完整,可见大量脊索细胞,纤维环排列有序,与髓核分界清晰;对照组髓核完整,可见较多脊索细胞,部分纤维环破裂;实验组髓核破裂,可见稀少脊索细胞,纤维环出现明显分层裂隙;③结果提示:在X射线引导下穿刺大鼠椎间盘可成功建立大鼠椎间盘退变模型,该操作精准方便、模型退变明显,可作为研究椎间盘退变模型的参考。 BACKGROUND:Currently,there are many modeling methods for interve rtebral disc degeneration;howeve r,inaccurate positioning is still a problem.OBJECTIVE:To compare the degree of degeneration of rat disc models by X-ray guided puncture and non-X-ray guided puncture.METHODS:Nine Sprague-Dawley rats we re randomly divided into three groups(n=3 per group):experimental group,control group and blank group.The blank group did not receive any operations.In the control group,the caudal ve rtebrae Co_(6/7)were manually positioned and punctured vertically with a syringe needle.Anhydrous ethanol was uniformly and slowly injected via the syringe needle to establish the interve rtebral disc degeneration model.In the expe rimental group,the X-rays were used to locate the caudal vertebrae Co_(6/7)that we re then punctured vertically with a syringe needle,and anhydrous ethanol was unifo rmly and slowly injected to establish the interve rtebral disc degeneration model.MRI and hematoxylin-eosin staining were conducted at 1 week after operation.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:MRI detection:In the blank group,the Co_(6/7)intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus showed high signal intensity,while the annulus fibrosus and endplate showed low signal intensity,with a distinct boundary between them.In the control group,the Co_(6/7)inte rvertebral disc nucleus pulposus showed decreased signal intensity,and about half of the intervertebral discs with the high signal in the nucleus pulposus were seen.In the expe rimental gro up,the signal of the nucleus pulposus of the Co_(6/7)interve rtebral disc of the rats disappeared completely.Hematoxylin-eosin staining:The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc in the blank group was intact,there were a large number of notochord cells,and the annulus fibrosus was arranged in an orderly manner and had a clear boundary with the nucleus pulposus.In the control group,the nucleus pulposus was intact,many notochord cells were seen,and part of the annulus fibrosus was ruptured.In the expe rimental group,the nucleus pulposus was ruptured,few notochord cells were observed,and there were obvious stratified fissures in the annulus fibrosus.To conclude,X-ray guided puncture of the rat inte rvertebral disc could successfully establish a rat model of intervertebral disc degeneration.The model had obvious degeneration,and the operation was accurate and convenient,which can be used as a reference for the study of inte rvertebral disc degeneration model.
作者 黄帆 邸安琪 丘明旺 黄楚渝 李晓惠 赵思怡 范志勇 吴山 Huang Fan;Di Anqi;Qiu Mingwang;Huang Chuyu;Li Xiaohui;Zhao Siyi;Fan Zhiyong;Wu Shan(The Second Clinical College,Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510405,Guangdong Province,China;The First Clinical College,Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510405,Guangdong Province,China)
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第35期5652-5657,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
基金 国家自然科学基金(81874511),项目负责人:吴山 2019年国家级大学生创新创业训练项目(2019105720014),项目负责人:赵思怡。
关键词 X射线 大鼠 椎间盘退变 动物模型 穿刺 X-ray rat intervertebral disc degeneration animal model puncture
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