
南高丛蓝莓‘奥尼尔’工厂化组培快繁技术研究 被引量:3

Tissue culture and rapid propagation in factory of southern highbush blueberry‘O’Neal’
摘要 为了建立南高丛蓝莓‘奥尼尔’工厂化组培快繁技术体系,该文以带腋芽的茎段为外植体,研究外植体灭菌、丛生芽诱导、丛生芽增殖培养、瓶内生根以及移栽驯化。结果表明:(1)外植体最佳灭菌方法为10%NaClO处理15 min,污染率降低至14.44%,诱导率达49.38%;同样添加1.5 mg·L^(-1)ZT,以WPM为基础培养基诱导出的丛生芽明显多于MS。(2)丛生芽增殖的最佳培养基为WPM+NAA 0.1 mg·L^(-1)+ZT 1.5 mg·L^(-1),接种60 d后增殖系数达8.6,长势良好;瓶内生根的最佳处理方式为先用500 mg·L^(-1)IBA浸蘸20 s,然后接种于WPM+IBA 0.2 mg·L^(-1)的生根培养基中,培养90 d后,生根率、有效生根率、生根数量和根长分别达到96.3%、96.3%、12.7条和43.3 mm,且根系较发达、粗壮。(3)生根苗在移栽基质Ⅰ(河沙∶蛭石∶珍珠岩=1∶1∶1)的移栽成活率最高,达92.22%。以上说明,外植体经10%NaClO处理15 min,利用培养基WPM+ZT 1.5 mg·L^(-1)和WPM+NAA 0.1 mg·L^(-1)+ZT 1.5 mg·L^(-1)分别进行丛生芽诱导及增殖;丛生芽经500 mg·L^(-1)IBA浸蘸20 s,再接种于WPM+IBA 0.2 mg·L^(-1)进行生根,生根苗在河沙∶蛭石∶珍珠岩=1∶1∶1的基质移栽驯化,是南高丛蓝莓‘奥尼尔’最适工厂化组培快繁技术体系。该研究结果为今后‘奥尼尔’工厂化种苗快繁奠定了基础。 In order to establish a rapid propagation system of southern highbush blueberry‘O’Neal’,the stem section with axillary bud were sterilized as explants,induction of shoot cluster,and proliferation of shoot cluster,test-tube rooting,transplanting and domestication were also studied.The results were as follows:(1)The best sterilization treatment was that the explant was treated by 10%NaClO with 15 min,and the contamination rate decreased to 14.44%and the induction rate reached 49.38%;The best medium for induction of shoot cluster was WPM+ZT 1.5 mg·L^(-1).(2)The optimum medium for proliferation of shoot cluster was WPM+NAA 0.1 mg·L^(-1)+ZT 1.5 mg·L^(-1),and the coefficient of propagation reached 8.6 after subcultured for 60 d;The best treatment for test-tube rooting was that the shoot cluster dipped in 500 mg·L^(-1)IBA for 20 s firstly,then cultivated them with the medium WPM+IBA 0.2 mg·L^(-1),the rooting rate and effective rooting rate all reached 96.3%,and the rooting number and length were 12.7 and 43.3 mm after cultured for 90 d,at the same time,and the root developed well.(3)The survival rate of rooted seedlings reached 92.22%after transplanted in MediaⅠ(river sand∶vermiculite∶perlite=1∶1∶1).Thus,the best rapid propagation system of southern highbush blueberry‘O’Neal’was that:the explant treated by 10%NaClO with 15 min,the shoot cluster was inducted and proliferated with WPM+ZT 1.5 mg·L^(-1)and WPM+NAA 0.1 mg·L^(-1)+ZT 1.5 mg·L^(-1)respectively;The shoot cluster dipped in 500 mg·L^(-1)IBA for 20 s and cultivated with WPM+IBA 0.2 mg·L^(-1),and rooted seedlings were transplanted in media(river sand∶vermiculite∶perlite=1∶1∶1).The results play a foundation for providing rapid propagation seedlings and factory production of‘O’Neal’in the future.
作者 夏科 赵志国 吴巧芬 郭伦发 秦洪波 仇硕 XIA Ke;ZHAO Zhiguo;WU Qiaofen;GUO Lunfa;QIN Hongbo;QIU Shuo(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Functional Phytochemicals Research and Utilization,Guangxi Institute of Botany,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guilin 541006,Guangxi,China)
出处 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期691-699,共9页 Guihaia
基金 广西自然科学基金(2020GXNSFAA297017) 广西创新驱动发展专项(AA17204097-13) 广西科学院基本业务费(2018YJJ906) 广西植物研究所基本业务费(桂植业18011) 广西科学院园艺植物种质资源创新及利用创新研究团队启动经费项目(CQZ-E-1919)。
关键词 蓝莓 组培快繁 丛生芽诱导 瓶内生根 移栽驯化 blueberry tissue culture and rapid propagation induction of shoot cluster test-tube rooting transplanting and domestication
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