
开口形微肋阵流动沸腾特性及汽泡生长变化 被引量:2

Flow Boiling Characteristics and Bubbles Behaviors of Non-closed Micro Pin-fin Array
摘要 为了探究微肋阵流动沸腾传热特性与汽泡生长变化的关系。本文搭建了开口水滴形微肋阵流动沸腾可视化试验台,研究工质流量和热流密度对流动和传热性能的影响,借助高速摄像仪对工质流型的变化过程进行摄录,同时研究微肋阵不同区域内汽泡的生长变化行为。研究表明,随着热流密度的增大,开口形微肋阵的压降受到汽泡的影响会经历三个阶段,换热性能随质量流量增大逐渐上升;同时,紧贴针肋尾部的一号区内汽泡脱离频率低于针肋后部二号区和相邻针肋间三号区。 In order to investigate the relationship between the flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of micro pin-fin array and the bubbles behaviors. In this study, the flow boiling visualization experimental system of non-closed droplet micro pin-fin array was built, and the effects of coolant mass flow rate and heat flux on performance of flow and heat transfer were explored. The transformation of coolant flow patterns was captured with the help of high-speed camera, and the bubbles behavior in different regions of micro pin-fin array was revealed. The results show that the pressure drop of micro pin-fin arrays are effected by the bubbles will go through three stages as the increase of heat flux. The heat transfer performance of the non-closed micro pin-fin array increases with the ascent of mass flow rate. Meanwhile, the departure frequency of bubbles in the region I which is close to the tail of the micro pin-fin is lower than that of the region II at the back of micro pin-fin and region III between the adjacent pin-fins.
作者 秦露雯 李舒宏 赵孝保 QIN Lu-Wen;LI Shu-Hong;ZHAO Xiao-Bao(School of Energy and Environment,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China)
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期1063-1067,共5页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.51876033) “十三五”国家重点研发计划(No.2017YFC0702501-3)。
关键词 开口水滴形 流动沸腾 微肋阵 热流密度 汽泡 non-closed droplet flow boiling micro pin-fin array heat flux bubbles
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