
移动机器人履行系统配置优化研究——基于闭排队网络理论 被引量:1

Facilities Configuration Optimization of Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems——Based on Closed Queuing Network Model
摘要 本文对移动机器人履行系统中货架调度任务的履行过程进行分析,根据机器人在货架装载、搬运、拣选、卸载四个过程的作业特点建立闭排队网络模型。采用近似平均值分析算法求解,实现系统绩效的迅速评估。通过与仿真计算实验的对比证明,模型对系统绩效的评估误差不超过5%。利用闭排队网络模型评估拣选台、机器人利用率和调度任务履行能力,实现对系统设施配置的讨论和优化。研究表明,拣选台均匀分布于仓库较长的两侧能提高系统履行绩效;系统存在最优机器人投放数量使系统整体利用率较高。 The fulfillment process of the shelf scheduling task in the Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems is analyzed.A closed queue network model is established according to the operation processes of robots,including shelf loading,transportation,picking and unloading.The approximate mean value analysis algorithm is used to solve the problem and can evaluate system performance rapidly.The comparison with the simulation experiment proves that the experimental error does not exceed 5%.Finally,the closed queueing network model is used to evaluate the selection station,robot utilization and fulfillment ability,to optimize system facility configuration.The experiments show that the uniform distribution of the picking stations on the longer sides of the warehouse can improve the performance of the system;the optimal number of robots in the system makes the system have the higher comprehensive utilization.
作者 冯爱兰 杨腾 马立坤 孔继利 FENG Ai-lan;YANG Teng;MA Li-kun;KONG Ji-li(School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;Department of Mechanical Engineering, TianJin College, University of Science &Technology Beijing, TianJin: 301830, China;School of Mordern Post,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China)
出处 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期98-103,共6页 Operations Research and Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71772010)。
关键词 系统优化 履行绩效 闭排队网络 移动机器人履行系统 system optimization system performance closed queueing network Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems
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