
高等教育评价结果:困境、反思与改进 被引量:14

Results of higher education evaluation:Dilemma,reflection and direction
摘要 教育评价结果是评价活动和实践改进的桥梁,只有完善评价结果应用,才能形成教育质量闭环的提升过程,凸显评价的发展价值。但在具体实施过程中评价结果要么不被重视,要么呈现为竞争性、等级性等不利于评价持久发展的现实样态,尚未充分发挥以评估结果落实“强硬度”“长牙齿”、推进教育治理效能提升的目标。当前学界在谈及评价时通常会涉及评价结果相关问题,但缺少专门研究。实践和理论的双重不足为开展评价结果研究提供了空间。2020年10月,中国第一个关于教育评价系统性改革的文件——《深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案》(以下简称《方案》)提出扭转不科学的教育评价导向,改进结果评价,在对当前流行的结果评价的负面影响认识基础上进行反思,改革阻碍高质量教育发展的“五唯”倾向,促进“双一流”大学建设,进而以评价赋能育人。该文件的出台既体现了国家对教育评价问题的重视,也突显了解决评价中所出现问题的紧迫性。基于此,以“改进结果评价,强化结果使用”为价值追求,从评价结果的呈现形式、反馈方式及相关主体的秉持态度、解读路径和运用取向等方面全方位谛视高等教育评价结果。发现当前教育结果评价普遍存在“五轻五重”现象,即呈现形式上重量化轻质性、反馈方式上重告知轻协商、对结果的态度重接受轻质疑、对结果的解读重实体轻关系、对结果的运用重功利轻价值。发现问题是为了解决问题,而解决问题的前提条件是能追溯造成问题的根源,只有如此,才能做到有的放矢。遵循“理念—制度—操作”的思维逻辑,深入系统地反思问题产生的根源,发现其既有教育评价理念的偏差,也有评价制度的不科学,还有评价结果运用的复杂性。完善结果评价运用,落实《方案》的评价理念,实现“破五唯”的价值追求,是研究的归属和落脚点。鉴于评价落地的关键在于人,而人的任何行动都离不开制度的支持,所以,选取“人—制度”的分析框架,提出详实可行的意见,为发挥评价的发展性功能,建立健全立德树人机制提供参考,推进十九届六中全会提到的推动人的全面发展、建设社会主义现代化强国。具体包括提高行政人员的评价能力、增强实施人员的专业性、调动落实人员的积极性;健全评价过程的监督机制、优化评价结果的使用机制、建立评价改进的追踪机制等建议。 Evaluation results are the bridge between evaluation activities and practice improvement.Only by perfecting the application of evaluation results can we form a closed-loop process of improving education quality and highlight the development value of evaluation.However,in the process of concrete implementation,the evaluation results are either ignored,or presented as competitive,hierarchical,etc.,which are not conducive to the sustainable development of evaluation.The evaluation results have not been fully utilized to implement the goal of“strong hardness”and“long teeth”and promote the improvement of educational governance efficiency.At present,when academic circles talk about evaluation,they usually involve the related problems of evaluation results,but there is a lack of specialized research.The double deficiency of practice and theory provides space for further research on evaluation results.In October,2020,the first document on systematic reform of educational evaluation in China—“The General Plan for Deepening the Reform of Educational Evaluation in the New Era”(hereinafer referred to as the“plan”),proposed to reverse the unscientific orientation of educational evaluation and improve the evaluation of results,aiming at reflecting on the negative impact of the current popular evaluation of results,thus reforming the“five-dimensional”tendency that hinders the development of high-quality education,promoting the construction of double first-class universities,and further educating people with evaluation empowerment.The publication of this document not only reflects the importance attached by the state to the evaluation,but also highlights the urgency of solving the problems in the evaluation.Based on this,with the value pursuit of“improving the evaluation of results and strengthening the use of results”,this paper comprehensively looks at the evaluation results of higher education from the aspects of presentation form,feedback mode,attitude of relevant subjects,interpretation path and application orientation.It is found that there is a common phenomenon of“five-light and five-heavy”in the current evaluation of educational results,that is,it presents the dilemmas of emphasizing quantity over quality in form,emphasizing notification over negotiation in feedback mode,emphasizing acceptance over questioning in attitude towards results,emphasizing entity over relationship in the interpretation of results,emphasizing utility over value in the application of results,etc.Finding the problem is to solve the problem,and the premise of solving the problem is to trace the root cause of the problem.Only in this way can we aim at the target.Following the thinking logic of“idea-system-operation”,we should deeply and systematically reflect on the root causes of problems,which are caused by the deviation of educational evaluation ideas,the unscientific evaluation system and the complexity of application of evaluation results.Perfecting the application of results evaluation,implementing the evaluation concept of the“Plan”and realizing the value pursuit of“breaking through the five only”are the ownership and foothold of the research.In view of the fact that the key of evaluation lies in people,and any action of people can not be separated from the support of the system,this paper selects the analysis framework of“people-system”and puts forward detailed and feasible opinions,which can provide reference for giving full play to the development function of evaluation,establishing and perfecting the mechanism of cultivating people by virtue,and promoting the all-round development of people and building a socialist modernization power mentioned in the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee.Suggestions are put forward including improving the evaluation ability of administrative personnel,enhancing the professionalism of implementers and mobilizing the enthusiasm of implementers,perfecting the supervision mechanism of evaluation process,optimizing the use mechanism of evaluation results,and establishing the tracking mechanism of evaluation improvement,etc.
作者 时艳芳 SHI Yanfang(School of Educational Sciences,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 620021,P.R.China;College of Education,Zhangjiakou Universty,Zhangjiakou 075000,P.R.China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期108-120,共13页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金“十三五”规划教育学一般课题“‘双一流’大学建设背景下地方本科大学国际化问题研究”(BIA170240)。
关键词 高等教育评价 评价结果 破“五唯” 功利性 行政化 “双一流”建设 一流高校 一流学科 学科建设 evaluation of higher education evaluation results break the“Five Only” utilitarianism administration “double first-class”construction first-class universities first-class discipline discipline construction
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