

Pragmatism and Eloquence:the Argumentation Characteristics and Reasoning Style of Frontier Fortress Poems in the Northern Song Dynasty
摘要 宋诗妙境在实处。议论与说理令北宋边塞诗落在实处,务实说尽之征显著。北宋边塞诗纪事畅达,论事中肯,在讲古论今中条分缕析,不携意气,体现了历史理性与政治理性的高度融通。在“以文为诗”的推助下,这种融通令北宋边塞诗呈现出情理相彰、余味不足的鲜明特征,既见诗文交汇之征,亦入直露少藏之境。北宋边塞诗议论弘肆,说理清晰,有助于揭示北宋诗家的劝世干政之切与仁民爱物之心,有助于实现以情动人、以理服人的艺术效果。同时,因为淡化了意象与意脉之间的对应关系,叙述与逻辑的重要性则相应突显,带来了意境削弱、浑融缺失等诗艺缺陷,与唐代边塞诗的含蓄蕴藉、韵致深远已是迥然异趣。 The beauty of Song poetry lies in its essence.Argumentation and reasoning made the frontier fortress poems of the Northern Song Dynasty practical,with the remarkable characteristics of pragmatism and eloquence.The frontier fortress poems of the Northern Song Dynasty are smooth in chronicles,pertinent in discussing matters,and in the analysis of the past and the present,without any spirit,reflecting a high degree of integration between historical rationality and political rationality.Under the promotion of“taking prose as poetry”,this kind of integration made the frontier fortress poems of the Northern Song Dynasty show the distinctive features of complementing each other with reason and lack of aftertaste,which not only showed the intersection of poetry and literature,but also entered the realm of revealing and hiding.The frontier fortress poems of the Northern Song Dynasty have broad and clear argumentations,which help to reveal the Northern Song poets’sincerity in persuading the world to intervene in government affairs and their love for things,and help to realize the artistic effect of moving people with emotion and convincing people with reason.At the same time,because of the dilution of the corresponding relationship between image and meaning,the importance of narrative and logic is highlighted correspondingly,resulting in the weakening of artistic conception,lack of harmony and other poetic defects,which is completely different from the implication and profound charm of the frontier fortress poems in the Tang Dynasty.
作者 丁沂璐 Ding Yilu(Faculty of Chinese Language and Literature Northwest University for Nationalities,Lanzhou Gansu 730030,China)
出处 《北京化工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期63-68,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目“宋代太学与文学研究”(17YJC751025) 2021年西北民族大学引进人才科研项目资助“御边视阈下的北宋边塞诗研究”(xbmuyjrc2021021)。
关键词 北宋边塞诗 务实 说尽 议论特征 说理风格 以文为诗 frontier fortress poems in the Northern Song Dynasty pragmatism eloquence argumentation characteristic reasoning style take prose as poetry
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