
“网约护士”为患者提供延续性护理服务的SWOT分析 被引量:3

SWOT analysis of"online appointment nurses"providing continuous nursing service for patients
摘要 “网约护士”是指利用现代科学技术将专业护理服务从医疗机构延续到患者家中,本文采用SWOT分析对“网约护士”为患者提供延续性护理服务进行探讨。结果显示,政府和民众的支持以及互联网的普及为“网约护士”实施延续性护理服务提供了较好的发展契机。“网约护士”可促进护理资源优化配置,提高患者居家生活质量。但目前“网约护士”水平参差不齐、服务收费标准较高等弊端也在一定程度上制约其发展。建议应加强“网约护士”的管理与培训,制定有效的风险防控制度,统一收费标准,维护患者和护士双方的权益,实现“共赢”。 "Online Appointment Nurses"uses modern science and technology to extend professional nursing services from medical institutions to patients′home,this article used SWOT analysis to discuss the continuous nursing services provided by"Online Appointment Nurses"for patients.The results showed that;the support of the government and the public,as well as the popularity of the internet,provided an opportunity for the development of"Online Appointment Nurses"to implementt continuous nursing services."Online Appointment Nurses"could facilitate the optimization of nursing resource allocation and improve the quality of patients′home life.However,at present,the uneven levels of"Online Appointment Nurses"and the high service charges restricted its development to a certain extent.It is suggested to strengthen the management and training of"Online Nurse Appointment",formulate an effective risk prevention and control system,and unify the charging standards to safeguard the interests of both patients and nurses.
作者 凌梦 游川 王文静 刘菡萏 程蕾 MENG Ling;YOU Cuang;WANG Wenjing;LIU Handan;Lei Cheng(The First Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery,Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College,Nanchong 637000,China;The Second Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery,Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College,Nanchong 637000,China)
出处 《当代护士(上旬刊)》 2022年第4期25-28,共4页 Modern Nurse
基金 南充市社科研究“十三五”规划2020年度项目(NC2020C065) 川北医学院2020年度校级科研发展计划项目(CBY20-QB-Y01) 南充市社科研究“十四五”规划2021年度项目(NC21B092)。
关键词 网约护士 延续性护理 SWOT分析 Online appointment nurse Continuing care SWOT analysis
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