

Modern Ideological Trends and the Development of Changes Scholarship in the Period of the Republic of China
摘要 民国易学在短短四十年间,历经跌宕起伏之发展。民国初年,时代鼎革之强力冲击、康有为式支持者之迷途、陈独秀式反对者之激进,最终形成合力,造成传统学术被边缘化之局面,易学于数千年来第一次沦落至“无人过而问津”之境地。值此之际,杭辛斋以其“精博”的易学研究新见,重新激发起时人读《易》、研《易》之兴趣;而胡适发起“整理国故”运动,亦使新学视野落在传统典籍之上。受二氏影响,20年代之易学,研究类型不断丰富,成果数量不断增加,摆脱了被边缘化之窘况,呈现出近代学术之新气象。20年代末至抗战初,得益于政治、经济、教育、出版之推动,易学之成果数量、方法类型及研究质量,胥臻近代高峰。40年代,受持续战争之影响,易学研究在困顿中坚持,成果数量锐减,且未形成新的特色。上述各年代之易学研究,与近代思潮紧密相系。 During the nearly 40 years of the Republic of China(1912-1949),the scholarship on the Changes experienced ups and downs.In the early years of the Republic of China,the powerful impact of the revolution of the times,the wrong path led by Kang Youwei(1858-1927)and his supporters,and the radicalness of the fierce opponents like Chen Duxiu(1879-1942)finally formed a joint force,resulting in the marginalization of traditional academia.Changes scholarship fell into a“no one cares”situation for the first time over millennia.On this occasion,Hang Xinzhai(1869-1924)stimulated people’s interest in reading and studying the Book of Changes again with his refined and abundant new ideas on the study of the Book of Changes;the movement of“sorting out national heritage”launched by Hu Shi(1891-1962)also made the vision of new study focused on the traditional classics.Under the influence of Hang Xinzhai and Hu Shi,the study of the Book of Changes in the 1920 s was continuously enriched in diverse research types and increased in the number of achievements,which got rid of the dilemma of marginalization and presented a new atmosphere of modern academia.From the late 1920 s to the beginning of the war of resistance against Japan,thanks to the promotion of politics,economy,education and publication,the number of achievements,method types and research quality of Changes scholarship reached the peak of modern times.In the 1940 s,affected by the continuous wars,the study of Changes scholarship persisted in difficult times,the number of achievements decreased sharply,and no new characteristics were formed.The study of Changes scholarship in different decades is closely related to the modern ideological trend of the time.
作者 秦洁 QIN Jie
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期31-44,共14页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 山东大学基本科研业务经费资助。
关键词 民国 易学 历程 近代思潮 the Republic of China Changes scholarship progress modern ideological trend
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