
膨胀型阻燃剂对陶瓷化硅酮密封胶阻燃防火性能的影响 被引量:9

Effect of Intumescent Flame Retardant on Flame Resistance and Fireproof Performance of Ceramifying Polysiloxane Sealants
摘要 以改性硅灰石和气相白炭黑为成瓷填料,以三聚氰胺聚磷酸盐(MPP)/双季戊四醇(DiPE)混合物(质量比为3:1)为膨胀型阻燃剂(IFR),制备可陶瓷化的室温硫化硅酮密封胶。研究了IFR对硅酮密封胶及其烧蚀所得陶瓷体性能的影响。结果表明,IFR用量从0 phr增大到120 phr时,硅酮胶的拉伸强度和粘接强度逐渐提高,氧指数从32.1%增加到36%,当IFR用量为60 phr时,垂直燃烧等级达到UL 94 V-0级;随着IFR用量的增加,硅酮胶样品正面被丁烷火焰喷烧形成的烧蚀面积减小,样品背面的最高温度从350℃以上降低至256℃,表明硅酮胶的防火性能显著提高。 Ceramifying polysiloxane sealants were prepared with modified wollastonite and fumed silica as ceramic filler and MPP/DiPE mixture with the mass ratio of 3:1 acting as intumescent flame retardant(IFR).The effect of IFR content on the properties of the ceramifying polysiloxane sealants and their residues derived from sintering of the polysiloxane sealants were investigated.The results show that the mechanical and adhesive properties of the sealants are enhanced and the oxygen index of the polysiloxane sealants is increased from 32.1% to 36%when the IFR content is increased from 0 phr to 120 phr,and the vertical burning rating achieves UL 94 V-0 for the polysiloxane sealants incorporated with 60 phr IFR.The ablation area of the sealant samples reduces and the maximum temperature of the backside of the samples is decreased from above 350℃ to 256℃ with the increased IFR content,indicating that the fireproof performance of the polysiloxane sealants is significantly improved.
作者 苟智 郭建华 Zhi Gou;Jianhua Guo(School of Materials Science and Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China;Zhongshan Institute of Modern Industrial Technology of SCUT,Zhongshan 528400,China)
出处 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期67-74,共8页 Polymer Materials Science & Engineering
基金 广州市科技计划(201902010059) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(2018A0303130023) 中山市科技计划(2019AG022,2020AG022)。
关键词 硅酮密封胶 膨胀型阻燃剂 阻燃 防火 陶瓷化 polysiloxane sealant intumescent flame retardant flame resistance fireproof performance ceramification
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