
基于改进蜂群算法的电动汽车微电网优化调度 被引量:9

Optimal scheduling of electric vehicle microgrid based on improved bee colony algorithm
摘要 可再生能源发电系统与电动汽车(EV)大规模接入电网会给现有的电力系统的安全、稳定运行带来巨大挑战。探讨了含EV和分布式电源的微电网的最优调度问题,包括风能、光伏以及燃煤机组等不同的分布式电源,同时考虑了基于V2G(Vehicle to Grid)技术的电动汽车对电网负荷的调节功能。提出了一种基于电动汽车荷电状态(State of Charge,SOC)检测的有序充放电调度策略,综合考虑了机组运行成本、弃风弃光成本以及电动汽车充放电成本,以最小化调度周期内总运行成本为目标建立了微电网优化调度模型。采用一种将蜂群算法与天牛须算法结合的改进蜂群算法对模型进行求解。通过与无序充电结果进行比较,证明了所提出的调度模型的有效性和优越性。 Large-scale integration of renewable energy generation systems and electric vehicles(EVs) into the grid will pose great challenges to the safe and stable operation of the existing power system.In this paper,the optimal scheduling problem of microgrids with EVs and distributed power sources is discussed,including different distributed power sources such as wind power,photovoltaic power,and coal-fired power units.Meanwhile,the load regulation function of electric vehicles based on V2G technology is considered.The influence of such vehicles is applied to the scheduling model,and the problem is expressed as a single-objective optimization model with the goal of minimizing the total operating cost,which also takes into account the unit operating cost,wind and light abandoning cost,and the charge and discharge cost of EVs.An improved colony algorithm combining the colony algorithm and Beetle Antennae Search algorithm was used to solve the model.The validity and superiority of the proposed scheduling model are proved by comparing with the results of disordered charging.
作者 王少林 王刚 王晓磊 王海龙 杨金成 黄照阳 刘鸿鹏 WANG Shaolin;WANG Gang;WANG Xiaolei;WANG Hailong;YANG Jincheng;HUANG Zhaoyang;LIU Hongpeng(Marketing Service Center of State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Urumqi 830001,China;Intelligent Energy Use and Energy Efficiency Service Digital Physics Hybrid Dynamic Simulation Laboratory,Urumqi 830001,China;Northeast Electric Power University,Jilin 132012,China)
出处 《电气应用》 2022年第4期63-70,I0009,I0010,共10页 Electrotechnical Application
基金 国网新疆电力有限公司科技项目“面向用户侧多端智能用电场景下的多能互动研究”(5230YX20001B)资助。
关键词 电动汽车 V2G 有序充放电 微电网 改进蜂群算法 electric vehicles V2G orderly charge and discharge microgrid improved colony algorithm
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