
新发展阶段科技非对称赶超战略解构——科技跨越论视角 被引量:2

Deconstruction of Technological Asymmetric Catch-up Strategy in the New Development Stage:from the Perspective of Science and Technology Leapfrogging Theory
摘要 进入新发展阶段,中国科技发展呈现出“跟跑、并跑、领跑”并存的新特征,对科技非对称赶超提出了新要求。基于科技跨越式发展理论,对科技非对称赶超内涵进行阐释,论证其所包含的新逻辑和新机理。通过深入分析英美等发达国家的科技赶超历程,总结出其高度重视发展教育、长期推进基础研究、面向科技前沿等有益经验,客观论述其运作机制紊乱、未能持续推进、缺乏深入研究等深刻教训,并在此基础上反观中国新发展阶段的科技非对称赶超实际,提出把握战略机遇、有效集聚资源、优化人才培养、不断积累优势等政策建议。 Under the guidance of the innovation-driven development strategy,China has made breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation,and some fields have reached world-leading levels.However,opportunities and challenges coexist.China is still striving for clearing core technology bottlenecks,and what synchronously appears with the large scale of scientific and technological investment is the limited innovation capacity.Therefore it is urgent to reverse this situation by asymmetric catch-up and overtake of science and technology.As China is fast catching up with the developed world and it has emerged as a science and technology powerhouse,new situations,challenges and missions appear accordingly.At the same time,the new round of worldwide scientific and technological revolution is emerging,which requires continuously consolidating asymmetric advantages and forging more"killer"technologies to ensure that China's key core technologies are independent and controllable,as well as realize the scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement on time.Based on the theory of technological leapfrogging,the connotation,the new logic and mechanism of technological asymmetric catch-up are respectively explained and demonstrated.As an important component of Xi Jinping Scientific and Technological Innovation Thought,technological asymmetric catching-uphas strategic significance for building a technologically powerful country.In the new stage of development,China's scientific and technological development presents the new situation of"following,concatenation and leading combined",which putting forward new requirements for technology asymmetric catch-up.The theoretical connotation of technological asymmetric catch-up includes the new logic in the new development stage and new mechanism with the theory of technological leapfrog.With the middle-bridge function of basic researches and core technology researches,the"following,concatenation and leading-combined"experience of asymmetrical catch-up in the new development stage corresponds to the three stages of"pursue-catch up-surpass"in technological leapfrogging,and in this way,new development model,realization conditions and characteristics are conformed in the process of fierce international competition.The research finds that thetechnological asymmetric catch-up is the product of the combination of theory and practice which both have profound theoretical foundation and rich historical process.Although China needs to insist on independent innovation since entering a new stage of development,it should still participate in international exchanges and cooperation with inclusive attitudes,as well as learn from other countries.In general,the United Kingdom mainly has asymmetric advantages in refining the categories of modern natural disciplines,and has achieved technological catch-up in promoting basic research and industrial revolution.Correspondingly,the United States emphasizes the establishment of an innovation system for industry-university-research-government cooperation,which fully unleashes the enthusiasm of all parties and achieves asymmetrical catch-up in science and technology with strong sustainability.The Soviet Union's asymmetric catch-up and overtake in science and technology embodies the characteristics of planned economy dominance and national defense priority,which plays a strategic role in a specific historical period,and then Russia pays more attention to comprehensive improvement and overall innovation efficiency.Moreover,Japan and South Korea mainly rely on the government and chaebol organizations to obtain their asymmetric advantages,which in practice promotes the simultaneous development of the technology and the economy.Based on the in-depth analysis of the technology catching up and surpassing experience of Britain,the United States,the Soviet Union,Japan and South Korea,this paper comes to a conclusion that we should pay attention to the development of education,carry out basic research for a long time,keep focused on the forefront of scientific and technological development,and draw a conclusion in combination with the specific reality of our country.At the same time,this research also objectively indicates the profound drawbacks such as confusions of operating mechanism,failure of continuous advance,scarcity of comprehensive researches,etc.China should rely on the new national system to effectively gather the advantageous resources of all parties,so as to promote the implementation of major national science and technology projects,andcontinue to make core technology's breakthroughs from strategic planning.It is important to advance practical measures by fully grasping strategic opportunities,optimizing the ecology of talent cultivation and accumulating advantages.Meanwhile it is not the blind pursuit of high efficiency by promoting technological leapfrog and catch-up on the basis of accumulating asymmetric advantages because of the equal importance of quality and quantity.
作者 刘庆龄 曾立 Liu Qingling;Zeng Li(Institute of Frontier Interdisciplinary Studies,National University of Defense Technology;College of Arts and Sciences,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410005,China)
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第9期1-11,共11页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 军委科技委国防科技战略先导计划项目(19-ZLXD-01-01-01-500-01,19-ZLXD-07-22-01-100-01)。
关键词 新发展阶段 科技非对称赶超 战略结构 科技跨越 科技创新 the New Development Stage Technological Asymmetric Catch-up Strategic Structure Technological Leapfrogging Technological Innovation
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