

Research and discussion on current situation and optimization scheme of Shanghai metro operation information system
摘要 快速、有效、准确的输出地铁运营信息,特别是保证在地铁突发应急情况下能够及时告知故障延误信息并有效指导乘客是非常重要的研究课题。文章结合上海地铁运营信息的发布现状及乘客运营信息需求,针对性地提出地铁运营信息发布的优化策略,以稳步提升信息服务水平,提高信息发布效率,扩大信息发布范围。 It is a very important issue to output subway operation information quickly,effectively and accurately,especially to ensure timely notification of failure and delay information and to effectively guide passengers in case of subway emergencies.Combining the current situation of Shanghai subway operation information release and passenger operation information demand,this paper puts forward.the optimization strategy of subway operation information release,in order to steadily improve the level of information service,improve the efficiency of information release,and expand the scope of information release.
作者 杨翊中 YANG Yizhong(Road Network Operation Command Center of Shanghai Shcntong Metro,Shanghai 200192,China)
出处 《计算机应用文摘》 2022年第8期20-22,共3页 Chinese Journal of Computer Application
关键词 上海地铁 运营信息 信息体系 Shanghai metro operation information infor mation system
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