Objective To study and analyze the diagnostic effect and accuracy of dynamic electrocardiogram in myocardial ischemia,and analyze the clinical application value.Methods A total of 130 patients with coronary heart disease treated in Chiping District People’s Hospital from January 2019 to January 2020 were selected for observation and study and randomly divided into observation group and control group,with 65 cases in each group.The control group was detected by routine electrocardiogram,and the observation group was detected by dynamic electrocardiogram.The clinical diagnosis results of the two groups were compared,and the coronary angiography results were used as the clinical diagnosis criteria to determ i n e the accuracy of cli n i cal di agn osi s of the two groups.Results Each data of cli n i cal test results of the observati on group were better than those of the con trol group,an d the di fferen ces were stati sti cally si gn i fi can t(P<0.05).Com pared wi th the results of coron ary an gi ography,the cli n i cal di agn osti c accuracy of the observati on group was 95.45%,whi ch was si gn i fi can tly hi gher than 71.70%of the control group,an d the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Usi n g dyn am i c electrocardi ogram for clinical detection to patients with coronary heart disease could m ore effecti vely di agn ose whether pati en ts have m yocardi al i schem i a.The accuracy of di sease di agn osi s was hi gh,an d had hi gh cli n i cal detecti on an d di agn osti c appli cati on value.to determine the accuracy of clinical diagnosis of the two groups.Results Each data of clinical test results of the observation group were better than those of the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Compared with the results of coronary angiography,the clinical diagnostic accuracy of the observation group was 95.45%,which was significantly higher than 71.70%of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Using dynamic electrocardiogram for clinical detection to patients with coronary heart disease could more effectively diagnose whether patients have myocardial ischemia.The accuracy of disease diagnosis was high,and had high clinical detection and diagnostic application value.
XIE Xin-hui(ECG Room,Chiping District People Hospital,Shandong Liaocheng Province 252100,China)
Chinese Journal of Urban and Rural Enterprise Hygiene
Dynamic electrocardiogram
Myocardial ischemia