
气候资本主义的实质和超越 被引量:13

The Essence and Transcendence of Climate Capitalism
摘要 为了应对气候危机,气候资本主义和气候帝国主义成为晚期资本主义的新动向。前者将碳市场和碳技术作为气候治理的主要对策,具有一定成效,但只是新自由主义环境主义政策的体现而已;后者出尔反尔、嫁祸于人,甚至发动能源战争,加剧了气候变暖,是帝国主义在气候领域的扩展。这是形成和加剧气候危机的主要社会原因。社会主义中国将碳达峰碳中和纳入经济社会发展和生态文明建设整体布局,在全球气候治理中发挥了建设性作用,是领导应对全球气候变化的希望所在。只有消灭资本主义高碳社会,建设社会主义低碳社会,迈向共产主义“零碳社会”,才能超越气候资本主义,实现人与自然的和谐。 In response to climate crisis,climate capitalism and climate imperialism have become the new trends of late capitalism.The former takes carbon market and carbon technology as the main means of climate governance,which has got some results,but it is only a reflection of neoliberal environmental policy.The latter reneged on its promise,blamed others,and even launched energy wars,which has exacerbated climate warming and is an expansion of imperialism in the climate field.These are the main social reasons of the formation and exacerbation of the climate crisis.Socialist China has incorporated carbon peaking and carbon neutralization into the overall layout of economic and social development and ecological civilization construction,plays a constructive role in global climate governance,and is the main hope of leading the response to global climate change.Only by eliminating the capitalist high-carbon society,building a socialist low-carbon society and moving towards a communist“zero-carbon society”,can we surpass climate capitalism,and finally realize the harmony between human and nature.
作者 张云飞 Zhang Yunfei
出处 《马克思主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期114-124,164,共12页 Studies on Marxism
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“建设人与自然和谐共生现代化研究”(21BKS053)的阶段性成果。
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