
海带多糖对放射性脑损伤小鼠海马细胞的保护作用 被引量:2

Laminaria japonica polysaccharide protects hippocampal cells of mice with radiation-induced brain injury
摘要 目的:探讨海带多糖(LJP)对放射后小鼠认知功能的影响及其影响机制。方法:64只雄性昆明小鼠利用完全随机数字法分为对照组(control)、海带多糖组(LJP)、单纯照射组(IR)、照射+海带多糖组(IR+LJP)。放射前7 d连续给药预处理后,采用总剂量30 Gy的钴60(^(60)Co)-γ射线对小鼠脑部进行定位照射以建立小鼠放射性脑损伤模型。通过Morris水迷宫检测小鼠学习记忆能力,苏木素-伊红(HE)染色观察小鼠海马齿状回(DG)组织病理学改变,电镜观察颗粒细胞超微结构变化,免疫荧光染色检测小鼠海马DG区小胶质细胞、星形胶质细胞的活化情况。结果:与对照组相比,照射后小鼠穿越平台的次数及在中心环活动时间均明显减少,而经LJP干预后上述情况得到改善;与IR组相比,经LJP干预有效改善了照射后齿状回颗粒细胞双层核膜结构的稳定,且有效改善了胶质细胞胞体形态、突起分支数量。结论:海带多糖对放射后小鼠认知功能具有保护作用,其机制可能与颗粒细胞及胶质细胞维持神经元的稳定有关。 Objective:To explore the effect and mechanism of laminaria japonica polysaccharide(LJP)on cognitive function of radiated mice.Methods:Sixty-four male Kunming mice were randomly divided into control group,irradiation(IR)group,LJP group,and irradiation+LJP(IR+LJP)group.After 7 days of continuous administration and pretreatment,a total dose of 30 Gy of Cobalt-60(^(60)Co)-γrays was used to establish a radiation brain injury model in mice.The Morris water maze was performed to evaluate the learning and memory ability of mice;HE staining was performed to observe pathological changes in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus;electron microscopy was used to examine ultrastructure changes in granular cells;immunofluorescence staining was used to observe the activation of microglia and astrocyte in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus.Results:Compared with the control group,the times of acrossing the platform and the time of staying in the middle ring reduced significantly in IR and IR+LJP groups,while LJP intervention improved the above-mentioned situation;compared with the IR group,the LJP intervention alleviated the stability of double nuclear membrane structure of granule cells,and improved the morphology and the processes’length of glial cells after irradiation.Conclusion:Radioprotective effects of LJP on cognition impairment in mice may be related with granular cells and glial cells that could maintain the stability of neurons.
作者 敖翩 张思琴 玉洪荣 张馨月 谷卫丽 赵歆 王绍军 韦力 Ao Pian;Zhang Siqin;Yu Hongrong;Zhang Xinyue;Gu Weili;Zhao Xin;Wang Shaojun;Wei Li(Collage of Stomatology,Guangxi Medical University,Nanning 530021;School of Basic Medicine,Guangxi Medical University,Nanning 530021;Maternity and Child Health Care of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Nanning 530005,China)
出处 《神经解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第1期51-56,共6页 Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy
基金 国家自然科学基金(81460479) 广西自然科学基金(2018JJA140600)。
关键词 海带多糖 认知障碍 齿状回 颗粒细胞 胶质细胞 神经元 小鼠 laminaria japonica polysaccharide(LJP) cognitive impairment dentate gyrus granule cells glial cells neuron mouse
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