

The Report of the Committee of Ten and the Proposal of the Value Equivalence’s Idea of High School Curriculum in America
摘要 1893年11月,美国全国教育协会对外发布了《十人委员会报告》,这份被誉为美国中等教育史上第一份具有里程碑意义的教育报告,拉开了美国中学课程改革的大幕。在我国,关于《十人委员会报告》的研究整体上较少,迄今为止还未有从“中学课程价值”的视角对报告进行的专门研究。《十人委员会报告》对20世纪美国中学课程变革最重要的贡献在于提出了现代学术课程与古典课程具有价值平等的理念,这一理念对于中学随后开设更多的学术课程来打破古典课程在中学所占据的统治地位具有重要指导意义,也为接下来更多的学生通过接受更完整的中学教育而受益提供了保证。 In November of 1893,the National Education Association of the United States released The Report of the Committee of Ten,which was known as the first landmark education report in the history of secondary education in the United States.Since then,the curtain of the reform of the high school curriculum has been opened.In China,the research on The Report of the Committee of Ten is insufficient.So far,there has not been a special study on the report from the perspective of“the value of the high school curriculum”.The study found that the most important contribution of The Report of the Committee of Ten to the reform of the American secondary school curriculum in the 20th century was to propose a concept of value equivalence between modern academic courses and classical courses,which has important guiding significance for the subsequent offering of more academic courses to break the dominance of classical courses in high schools,and also guarantees that more students will benefit from accepting more complete high school education.
作者 杜光强 DU Guang-qiang(Research Center for Education Development,Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences,Beijing 100036,China)
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期197-208,共12页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金“十四五”规划2021年度教育学青年课题“知识、社团与话语权:美国进步时代教师职业化路径研究”(课题批准号:COA210240)的研究成果。
关键词 《十人委员会报告》 公立中学 课程方案 课程价值 The Report of the Committee of Ten public high school curriculum plan curriculum value
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