

Germplasm evaluation of tea plants in Lishui,Zhejiang
摘要 【目的】鉴定评价浙江省丽水市茶树种质资源,并筛选出优异茶树种质资源,为茶树良种选育及茶产业发展提供丰富材料。【方法】从浙江丽水市收集到13份茶树种质资源,并在丽水市松阳县进行统一栽培管理,以福鼎大白茶为对照,对其特征特性、生化成分、绿茶感官品质展开鉴定评价。【结果】13份供试种质中,子松种和丽早1号的春季萌芽期分别较对照早10和22 d,属于特早生资源;丽白1号、丽黄3号、梯田白、梯田白2号和水晶白的芽叶均表现为黄白化,丽紫1号的芽叶表现为紫化;JN-1的花瓣颜色为粉红色。13份供试种质均具有较强或强的耐旱性和耐寒性,茶多酚含量13.87%~20.77%,水浸出物含量41.65%~48.93%,咖啡碱含量2.86%~3.74%,游离氨基酸含量4.51%~8.77%,酚氨比1.59~4.77。除丽早1号和JN-1外,其余11份种质的游离氨基酸含量均≥5.00%,为高氨基酸种质,且5份白化种质中氨基酸含量高于其他种质。儿茶素品质指数以JN-3最高(518.2),芽王、丽白1号、丽黄3号、梯田白和梯田白2号均高于对照(340.5),以子松种最低(235.3)。13份供试种质所制绿茶整体上表现为条索紧、汤色明亮、香气较高(部分种质具有花香或栗香)、滋味甘醇鲜爽、叶底嫩匀显芽,且年均感官审评总分均高于对照,均适制绿茶,其中以JN-3最高(92.4分),丽紫1号最低(89.8分)。JN-3在香气、滋味得分和感官品质总分上均为最高。13份供试种质中,高氨基酸(≥5.00%)特异种质11份,特早生资源2份,叶色特异资源6份,花瓣颜色特异资源1份。除梯田白、水晶白和丽紫1号仅属于特异种质资源外,其余10份种质均同时为特异种质资源和优良种质资源。【结论】供试的13份茶树种质均属于特异种质,其中10份属于优良种质,可用于茶树良种选育及茶叶生产。 【Objective】To explore and identify elite tea germplasm resources in Lishui,Zhejiang,so as to provide materials for the breeding of improved varieties and the development of tea industry.【Method】Thirteen tea germplasm resources in Lishui(Zisongzhong,Zidantou,Yawang,Lizao 1,Libai 1,Lihuang 3,Titianbai,Titianbai 2,Shuijingbai,Lizi 1,JN-1,JN-2,JN-3)were cultivated and managed in Songyang County,and their agronomic traits,biochemical components and sensory quality of green tea were analyzed and compared with that of Fuding Daibaicha.【Result】In terms of agronomic traits,Lizao 1 and Zisongzhong were early sprouting resources.For their stage of one bud and one leaf came 22 d and10 d earlier than the control groups,respectively.All the 13 resources had strong drought and cold tolerance,tea polyphenols content 13.87%-20.77%,water extracts content 41.65%-48.93%,caffeine content 2.86%-3.74%,free amino acids4.51%-8.77%,Tp/Aa 1.59-4.77.The petal color of Libai 1,Lihuang 3,Titianbai,Titianbai 2 and Shuijingbai were yellow and white,Lizi 1 purple;JN-1 pink.Except Lizao 1 and JN-1,the other 11 resources were high in free amino acids(≥5.00%)and the five albino tea varieties had higher amino acids than other varieties did.The content of free amino acids in Titianbai was the highest and the Tp/Aa was the lowest.The catechin quality index of JN-3 was the highest(518.2),and that of Yawang,Libai 1,Lihuang 3,Titianbai and Titianbai 2 were higher than those of the control(340.5),and that of Pinus taeda was the lowest(235.3).The green tea produced by 13 germplasms had tight strips,bright soup color,nice aroma(some germplasms had flower or chestnut aroma),mellow taste,tender and uniform buds at the bottom of the leaf.The13 germplasms were suitable for making green tea and the average annual sensory evaluation score was higher than that of the control;among them,JN-3 was scored the highest(92.4),and Lizi 1 the lowest(89.8).JN-3 had the highest scores in aroma,taste and sensory quality.Of the 13 tested germplasms,11 were amino acid-specific gerplasms(≥5.00%),2 were extra-early,6 were leaf color-specific and 1 was petal color-specific.Titianbai,Shuijingbai and Lizi 1 were identified as specific germplasms,and other 10 germplasms were identified as both specific and excellent resources.【Conclusion】All the 13 germplasm resources are specific germplasms,and 10 of them were excellent germplasms,which could be helpful for tea breeding and production.
作者 刘瑜 严芳 邵静娜 周慧娟 郑生宏 何卫中 LIU Yu;YAN Fang;SHAO Jing-na;ZHOU Hui-juan;ZHENG Sheng-hong;HE Wei-zhong(Lishui Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Lishui,Zhejiang 323000,China)
出处 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期401-409,共9页 Journal of Southern Agriculture
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-19) 浙江省重点研发计划项目(2021C04038) 浙江省农业(茶树)新品种选育重大科技专项(2021C02067-1) 丽水市科技计划项目(2020ZDYF05)。
关键词 优异种质 鉴定评价 农艺性状 生化成分 感官品质 excellent germplasm evaluation and identification agronomic trait biochemical components sensory quality
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