
零关税待遇和海外援助对促进受援国出口多样化的有效性比较——基于中非数据的研究 被引量:2

A Comparative Study on the Promotion Effect of Zero Tariff Treatment and Overseas Aid on Export Diversifi cation of Recipient Countries:Based on Chinese and African Data
摘要 作为世界最大的发展中国家,中国一直积极承担国际社会责任和义务,并在力所能及的范围内通过单方面提供零关税待遇和援助帮助其他发展中国家尤其是最不发达国家扩大贸易。为了检验零关税待遇和援助的有效性,本文在同一个框架下研究两者对受援国出口多样化的影响机制,并使用中非数据进行定量评估。研究结果显示,中国对非洲国家实施的零关税待遇对受援国的出口多样化产生显著的正向作用,而援助对受援国出口多样化的促进作用尚不明显;当剔除矿产品以及采用不同的出口多样化衡量标准分别对基准模型进行检验时,这些结论依然稳健。因此,为了更有效地支持非洲国家提高出口多样化,中国可以构建一个包括零关税待遇和促贸援助在内的二元发展战略。 As the largest developing country in the world,China has been actively undertaking the responsibilities and obligations of the international community,and has helped other developing countries,especially the least developed countries,to expand their trade by unilaterally providing zero tariff treatment and assistance within its capacity.In order to test the effectiveness of the two policies,this paper studies the impact mechanism of the two policies on the export diversification of recipient countries under the same framework,and uses the data of China and Africa for quantitative evaluation.The results show that China’s zero tariff treatment on African countries has a significant positive effect on the export diversification of recipient countries,while the promotion effect of aid on the export diversification of recipient countries is not obvious.These conclusions are still robust when minerals are excluded and different export diversification measures are used to test the original model.Therefore,in order to more effectively support African countries to improve export diversification,China needs to construct a dual development strategy including zero tariff treatment and Aid for trade.
作者 孙志娜 SUN Zhina
出处 《国际商务研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期40-52,共13页 International Business Research
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“全球价值链视角下中非建立深度自由贸易区的动力机制与模式选择”(项目编号:19BJY190)。
关键词 零关税 援助 中国 非洲 出口多样化 zero tariff aid China Africa export diversification
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