
长三角区域一体化视野下专精特新企业生境画像特征探究 被引量:2

Research on the Habitat Portrait of Enterprises with Professionalism,Refi nement,Specialization and Novelty from the Perspective of Regional Integration of Yangtze River Delta
摘要 长三角区域一体化发展已上升到国家战略层面,标志着长三角城市群在新时期中国特色社会主义现代化建设全局中担当的国家使命。本文基于组织生态学理论,以长三角41个城市为研究对象,采用ArcGIS剖析长三角区域专精特新企业地理空间分布特征,甄别专精特新企业区位取向的热点/惰性空间,结合各城市营商环境指标采用系统聚类分析方法进行城市分类,解析专精特新企业热点空间的生境画像。研究结果表明:(1)长三角区域专精特新企业相对密集分布于杭州湾南、北二岸各城市,其中上海、宁波绝对量名列前茅;(2)长三角区域专精特新企业区位取向的热点/惰性空间泾渭分明,形成以环杭州湾北岸的上海和南岸的宁波为热点空间的专精特新企业密集高地,并以南京、合肥和杭州、温州为次热节点城市构成“双子塔—四环星”空间圈层结构;(3)聚类分析划分的三大类城市的生境画像特征存在明显差异,专精特新企业空间分布密集与其栖息地营商环境状况存在显著相关性;营造良好的营商环境是促进区域内中小企业专精特新转型的有效路径。鉴于长三角区域专精特新企业的涌现情景,借鉴系统集成理论的思维,提出“串珠成链”着力打造长三角区域特色产业链、提升产业链韧性的相关建议,以供参考。 The development of regional integration in the Yangtze River Delta has risen to the national strategic level,which marks the national mission of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration in the overall situation of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics in the new era.Based on the theory of organizational ecology,taking 41 cities in the Yangtze River Delta as the research objects,this study analyzes the geographical spatial distribution characteristics of enterprises with professionalism,refinement,specialization and novelty in the Yangtze River Delta by using ArcGIS model,and the hot spot or lazy space distribution of the location orientation of enterprises with professionalism,refi nement,specialization and novelty is identifi ed.Combined with the business index of each city,the systematic cluster analysis method is used to classify the cities,and the habitat portraits of the hot spot of enterprises with professionalism,refinement,specialization and novelty are analyzed.The results show that:1)the enterprises with professionalism,refi nement,specialization and novelty in the Yangtze River Delta are relatively concentrated in the cities on the south and north banks of Hangzhou Bay,among which Shanghai and Ningbo are among the best in absolute quantity;2)there is a clear distinction between the hot spot or lazy space distribution of the location orientation of enterprises with professionalism,refinement,specialization and novelty in the Yangtze River Delta,forming a concentrated highland of enterprises with professionalism,refi nement,specialization and novelty with Shanghai on the north bank of Hangzhou Bay and Ningbo on the south bank as the hot space,and with Nanjing,Hefei,Hangzhou and Wenzhou as sub-hot nodes to form a“Twin Towers and Four-ring Star”space circle structure;3)there are signifi cant diff erences among the three categories of cities classifi ed by cluster analysis,and there is a signifi cant correlation between the dense spatial distribution of enterprises with professionalism,refi nement,specialization and novelty and the business environment of their habitats;creating a sound business environment is an eff ective way to promote the transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises with professionalism,refi nement,specialization and novelty in the region.In view of the emergence of with professionalism,refi nement,specialization and novelty in the Yangtze River Delta region,drawing lessons from the thinking patterns of system integration theory,this article puts forward some suggestions on“stringing pearls into a chain”to build a regional characteristic industrial chain and enhance the resilience of the industrial chain for reference.
作者 邬伟娥 曾秀娟 陈语 唐根年 徐晋 WU Wei’e;ZENG Xiujuan;CHEN Yu;TANG Gennian;XU Jin(Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology Shaoxing Cloth Merchants Research Center Shaoxing,Zhejiang 312030)
出处 《中国商论》 2022年第10期5-9,共5页 China Journal of Commerce
基金 国家社科基金项目(20BJY011) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目(22NDJC056YB) 浙江省科技厅软科学项目(2021C35096) 浙江省科技厅软科学项目(2022C35014) 绍兴市柯桥区社科联项目(2021CG46)。
关键词 专精特新 营商环境 热点空间 生境画像 串珠成链 professionalism,refi nement,specialization and novelty business environment hot spot space habitat portrait stringing pearls into a chain
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