
在线旅游企业管理层权力对企业成长的作用机制--以携程为例 被引量:1

The Action Mechanism of OTAs’Managerial Power in Firm Growth:A Case Study of the Ctrip
摘要 如何协调好管理层权力以促进企业成长是学界及业界关注的热点。现有研究已证实,管理层权力是通过企业管理行为对企业成长产生作用,但尚未探明其具体的作用机制,且忽略了企业管理行为存在实际意义和象征意义的差异。文章以携程为研究对象,采用单案例研究法,引入差异化管理行为揭开管理层权力对企业成长作用机制的“黑箱”。研究发现:不同权力水平下,管理层会根据感知的决策自由度与责任感实施差异化的管理行为,若实施的差异化管理行为能够满足企业成长主题,则促进企业成长,反之则阻碍企业成长。该文为管理层权力的研究提供了新的视角,并丰富了实质性和象征性行为的相关研究,同时也为在线旅游企业合理配置管理层权力提供了指导。 The evolution of managerial power plays an important role in firm growth.Coordinating managerial power to promote firm growth has been a discussed topic both in academia and industry.Existing studies have confirmed that managerial power promotes or hinders the development of firms through their management.However,they failed to find out its specific mechanism and ignored the difference between the substantive and symbolic meaning of management behaviors.With different levels of power,the management staff may engage in different behaviors,such as practical actions or largely symbolic commitments for the future.Differentiated management behaviors have different effects on firm growth.Therefore,this paper divides differentiated management behaviors into two categories,namely substantive and symbolic behaviors,and introduces the differentiated management behavior to uncover the“black box”of the action mechanism of managerial power in firm growth.The managerial power and the development mode of OTAs are different from those of other Internet enterprises and tourism enterprises,thus,it is necessary to look further into it.This paper takes Ctrip as the object of study,adopting the single-case study method;Ctrip is a representative firm that reflects the evolution of managerial power and firm growth of OTAs.It is found that as the power of the management changes,perceiving different degrees of decision-making freedom and sense of responsibility.When the degree of perception is low,they pay more attention to the negative effects and potential risks of their behaviors and show more symbolic behaviors.Along with the improvement of perception,the management focuses more on the positive effects and potential benefits of their behaviors,resulting in more substantive behaviors.When the level of perception rises above the annual average,the management would carry out more substantive and symbolic behaviors in a balanced way.Firms have different development themes at different stages of their development.Differentiated management behaviors,if they can meet the requirements of the development theme,will promote growth.Otherwise,they could hinder firms from growth.This paper provides a new perspective for the research of managerial power,enriches the relevant study of substantive and symbolic behaviors,and provides guidance for OTAs to reasonably allocate managerial power.
作者 郭淳凡 王淑筠 方晨 吴小节 GUO Chunfan;WANG Shuyun;FANG Chen;WU Xiaojie(School of Management,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China;School of Management,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510520,China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期25-38,共14页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国企业跨国并购的制度复杂性与组织战略反应:动态演化、作用机制及其策略有效性研究”(71872053) 国家自然科学基金项目“制度理论视角下的社会创业:从诱发到实现”(71872074) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“中国企业对‘一带一路’沿线国家直接投资的制度复杂性及应对策略研究”(20BGL032)共同资助。
关键词 在线旅游企业 管理层权力 企业成长 实质性行为 象征性行为 OTAs managerial power firm growth substantive behavior symbolic behavior
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