
艺术旅游与地方感的相互关系研究--以粤港澳大湾区大学生群组为例 被引量:9

On the Relationship Between Art Travel and Sense of Place--A Case Study of University Students in GBA
摘要 游客艺术旅游的体验有助于提升游客的地方感。文章借鉴William等编制的旅游体验、社会联系及地方感研究量表,以问卷调查数据为基础,建构结构方程模型,实证探讨了艺术旅游与游客地方感的影响路径,在此基础上对不同性别的大学生游客的旅游体验、社会联系与地方感关系的差异进行对比检验。研究发现:(1)旅游体验、社会联系、地方认同与地方依恋4个维度可较好刻画大学生游客对艺术旅游的感知与地方感;(2)大学生游客的旅游体验、社会联系与地方认同,社会联系与地方依恋,地方认同与地方依恋都呈显著正向的影响关系;(3)不同性别的大学生游客对艺术旅游的感知、地方感的形成存在显著差异。最后,从艺术旅游、国家和地方政府不同层面提出了我国艺术旅游发展的对策建议。 Art travel experience of tourists contributes to enhancing their sense of place.Nowadays most cultural tourism studies in China focus on festive events,while those from the art perspective have long been insufficient.Based on an examination of art exhibitions,this study employed the measurement of travel experience,social connection and sense of place scaled by William et al.,applied a questionnaire survey method for empirical analysis,and developed a multi-group structural equation model to investigate the relationship between art travel and a sense of place.In this study,we examined how travel experience and social connection affected the relationship between art travel and a sense of place two during art exhibitions,and discussed the place-making of art travel destinations from a micro perspective to reflect and understand the social value and significance of art tourism today.On this basis,we also made gender-based comparisons and analysis of differences in travel experience,social connection and sense of place among the university students,and obtained the following findings:(1)The students’perceptions and sense of place are influenced by four factors:travel experience,social connection,local identity and local attachment.As tourists are both disseminators and carriers of culture,the students’travel experience and social connection during art exhibitions can arouse their emotional attachment to Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GBA),and enhance their local identity.(2)It is observed that travel experience and social connection have positive correlation with local identity;social connection with local attachment;and local identity with local attachment.This conclusion enriches relevant studies on university students’travel behaviors and helps further expand the context in studies on students’tourism destinations;(3)Significant gender-based differences are identified among the university students with respect to perceptions of art exhibitions and developing a sense of place.Subject to sex and gender,the relationship between tourist destinations and sense of place varied quite differently among different individuals,especially among different genders.In the end,some countermeasures and suggestions are proposed from different perspectives of art travel,national and local governments for the future development of art tourism in China.
作者 吴偲 朱竑 李军 WU Cai;ZHU Hong;LI Jun(School of Chinese Painting,Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,Guangzhou 510261,China;Center for Human Geography and Urban Development,School of Geography and Remote Sensing,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China;Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Zhuhai),Zhuhai 519080,China;School of Tourism Management,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期116-127,共12页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“全球化背景下城市移民的人地互动和地方协商研究--以珠三角为例”(41630635)和“转型期自然的社会建构过程、机制及其效应:基于广东和云南的比较”(41971184)共同资助
关键词 粤港澳大湾区 美术展览 地方感 大学生游客 艺术旅游 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area art exhibition sense of place university students tourists art tourism
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