

Biomechanical Analysis of Lower Limbs of Taijiquan Horse-Stance Movements under Different Angles of Forward Tilt of Trunk
摘要 目的:该文提取不同躯干前倾程度下太极拳马步的运动学、动力学、肌电参数并进行比较分析,以此对比不同躯干前倾角度对马步动作的影响,从而总结出两种马步不同的生物力学特征,旨在为此类研究提供佐证,为广大太极拳爱好者提供参考。方法:通过动作捕捉系统、无线肌电采集系统提取受试者在实验过程中产生的各项参数,主要包括关节角度、关节力矩以及肌电信号,再对以上数据进行处理和分析,以对动作量化的生物力学进行比较。结果:两种不同马步动作的髋、膝、踝关节在主要运动方向上的最大角度之间均存在显著性差异(P<0.05);两种马步动作股二头肌、半腱肌、胫骨前肌的iEMG均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:两种不同躯干角度下的马步动作之间,在多个参数的多个方面均存在显著性差异,其中值得讨论的是:力矩特征的差异,提示两种马步动作下,运动环节在关节处产生的不同旋转趋势,以及关节附近肌肉为维持姿势做出的特异性活动;而股骨后群肌肉在躯干前倾的马步动作中显著较高的激活程度或来源于人体应对重心变化所采取的主动调节方式。 Objective:This study extracts the kinematics,dynamics,and EMG parameters of Taijiquan horse stance(actually a slow half squat movement)under different trunk forward tilt degrees,and conducts comparison and analysis about them,so as to compares the effect of different trunk forward angles on horse-stance,in order to summarize the different biomechanical laws of the two different horse-stance.It aims to provide evidence for this type of research and provide a basis for fitness for the majority of Taijiquan enthusiasts.Method:Through the motion capture system and wireless EMG acquisition system,various parameters produced by the subjects in the experimental process are extracted,mainly including joint angle,joint torque and EMG signal,and then the above data are processed and analyzed for quantitative biomechanical comparison of movements.Results:There were significant differences in the maximum angles of hip,knee and ankle in the main movement direction between the two different horse-stance(P<0.05);There were significant differences in iEMG of biceps femoris,semitendinosus and anterior tibial muscle between the two horse steps(P<0.05).Conclusion:There are significant differences in many parameters between the two horse-stance under different trunk angles.Among them,it is worth discussing that the difference of torque characteristics suggests different rotation trends at the joints of the two horse-stance and the specific activities of muscles near the joints to maintain posture;The significantly higher activation of the posterior femoral muscles in the forward leaning horse-stance of the trunk may come from the active adjustment mode taken by the human body to deal with the change of center of gravity.
作者 王文昭 张彦龙 宋成龙 胡龙威 WANG Wenzhao;ZHANG Yanlong;SONG Chenglong;HU Longwei(Mudanjiang Normal University,Mudanjiang,Heilongjiang Province,157000 China)
机构地区 牡丹江师范学院
出处 《当代体育科技》 2022年第9期31-34,共4页 Contemporary Sports Technology
基金 牡丹江师范学院研究生科技创新项目(kjcx2020-108mdjnu)。
关键词 太极拳 马步 肌电 力矩 积分肌电值 Taijiquan Horse-stance EMG Moment IEMG
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