

Translation and validation of the Chinese version of Jessa atrial fibrillation knowledge questionnaire
摘要 目的 引进与汉化Jessa心房颤动(简称房颤)认知能力问卷(JAKQ)量表,检验其信效度并在医患人群中进行初步验证。方法 通过正向翻译、综合、回译、专家委员会评议、预调查,最终形成中文版JAKQ量表。经专家测评评定JAKQ量表的内容效度,对109例房颤患者进行调查测定JAKQ量表的信效度。通过比较内科医生与房颤患者完成答卷结果的差异检验JAKQ量表的区分度。结果 中文版JAKQ量表的重测信度为0.968;量表的Cornbach′sα系数为0.921;全体一致性内容效度指数为0.89,平均内容效度指数为0.90;经探索性因子分析提取5个公因子,累计房颤贡献率为73.4%。医生的问卷正确率明显高于房颤患者(64.2%±7.5%vs 41.5%±4.9%,P<0.001)。结论 中文版JAKQ量表具有较好的信度与效度,可以用于量化评估医护人员和房颤患者对房颤的正确认知水平。 Objective To develop the Chinese version of the Jessa Atrial fibrillation Knowledge Questionnaire(JAKQ) and examine its reliability and validation. Methods According to Brislin′s translation model, we followed the forward-translation and back-translation of the JAKQ into the Chinese. The Chinese version of JAKQ was revised through experts′ reviews and a pilot study. The content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by experts. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were archived through investigation among 109 patients with atrial fibrillation(AF). Results The test-retest reliability of the JAKQ was 0.968. the Cronbach′s α was 0.921;the universal agreement scale-level content validity index was 0.89;the average scale-level content validity index was 0.90. Five factors were extracted by exploratory factor analysis, which contributed to 73.4% of the variance. The correct rate of JAKQ answer in doctor was significantly higher than that in the AF patients(64.2%±7.5% vs 41.5%±4.9%, P<0.001). Conclusion The Chinese version of JAKQ is proved to be a good instrument with acceptable reliability and validity, and it is qualified to assess the awareness of knowledge of AF among the patients and medical personnel.
作者 蒋桂花 高霞 蒋凤君 唐娜 刘俊 JIANG Gui-hua;GAO Xia;JIANG Feng-jun;TANG Na;LIU Jun(Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Hospital,Urumqi 880042,Xinjiang,China;Fuwai Hospital,National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases,Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100037,China)
出处 《中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志》 2022年第2期138-141,共4页 Chinese Journal of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology
基金 兵团医学基金支持(项目编号:2018AB024)。
关键词 心血管病学 心房颤动 认知能力 问卷量表 汉化 验证 Cardiology Atrial fibrillation Knowledge level Questionnaire Chinese translation Validation
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