
送风方式对辐射供冷系统防结露效果的模拟研究 被引量:6

Simulation Study on the Effect of Air Supply Method on the Anti-condensation Effect of the Light Source Cooling System
摘要 辐射供冷空调系统作为一种新型空调技术,相比传统空调系统具有热舒适性好、换热效率高和能耗低等优点,同时也存在辐射表面易结露,供冷能力有限以及初投资过大等问题。针对辐射供冷结露的问题,通过有限元计算软件对贴附射流送风的辐射供冷系统和普通送风方式下的辐射供冷系统的传热过程进行模拟计算,探究贴附射流对辐射供冷系统的防结露效果。结果表明,在辐射板温度和相关送风参数选择合理且一致的条件下,贴附射流的加入会使贴壁处空气温度整体提高2℃,在出现室内湿负荷突然增大的情况下,贴附射流送风的辐射供冷系统防结露效果比普通送风方式的辐射供冷系统更优。 As a new type of air conditioning technology,radiation cooling air conditioning system has the advantages of good thermal comfort,high heat transfer efficiency and low energy consumption compared with the traditional air conditioning system.At the same time,there are some problems such as easy condensation on the radiant surface,limited cooling capacity and too much initial investment.In order to solve the problem of condensation in radiant cooling system,the heat transfer process of radiant cooling system with attached jet air supply and radiant cooling system with ordinary air supply is simulated and calculated by using finite element software,the anti-condensation effect of attached jet on radiation cooling system was investigated.The results show that under the reasonable and consistent selection of radiation plate temperature and related air supply parameters,the addition of the attached jet will increase the overall air temperature at the attached wall by 2℃.In the case of sudden increase of indoor wet load,the radiation cooling system with jet air supply has better anti-condensation effect than the radiation cooling system with ordinary air supply mode.
作者 赵英博 章文杰 贡桐丹 周建伟 Zhao Yingbo;Zhang Wenjie;Gong Tongdan;Zhou Jianwei(School of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing,210094)
出处 《制冷与空调(四川)》 2022年第2期203-208,219,共7页 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
基金 建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室暨国家建筑工程技术研究中心开放基金资助课题 《相变呼吸模块在夏热冬冷地区浅埋装配式地下掩体中的应用研究》(BSBE2020-7)。
关键词 辐射供冷 贴附射流 结露 数值模拟 能耗分析 radiant cooling Attached jet Condensation Numerical simulation Energy consumption analysis
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