
生态浮床原位修复景观水体的效果研究 被引量:7

Study on the in-situ restoration effect of ecological floating bed on landscape water bodies
摘要 为生态浮床原位修复景观水体提供长时间的野外试验基础数据,在学校半封闭景观水体中放置了10组PVC塑料浮板拼接的生态浮床,每组生态浮床之间间隔10 m放置,用铁丝固定在景观水体两侧。在生态浮床的种植杯中种植多年生香根草苗,对学校景观水体进行原位修复试验,分析测定景观水体中酸碱度、电导率、氨氮、总磷、溶解氧、化学需氧量等指标。结果表明:香根草生态浮床系统对景观水体中的总磷去除率为28.10%~51.05%,对化学需氧量的去除率为19.95%~51.15%,溶解氧质量浓度增加2.75%~137.85%。受到雨季降雨影响,外界污染随雨水流入景观水体中,导致水体中的氨氮增加,pH值和电导率上升。景观水体中的氨氮、总磷、化学需氧量的去除与植物吸收、根系吸附及根际微生物活动有关。由于香根草种植的原因,只有少量根系伸出生态浮床的种植杯外,影响香根草对景观水体中的氨氮、总磷的吸收,不利于香根草根际微生物的生长。在景观水体实际修复过程中,通过控制污水排入,进一步优化香根草在生态浮床上的种植技术,发挥香根草和根际微生物净化景观水体的协同作用,为香根草生态浮床原位净化封闭景观水体实践提供保障。 The paper provides the basic data of a long-term field test for the in-situ restoration of ecological floating beds to landscape water bodies.Ten groups of ecological floating beds joined by PVC plastic floating plates were placed in the semi-closed landscape body of the school,and the gap of each group was ten meters and was fixed with wire on both sides of the landscape water body.Perennial vetiver seedlings were planted in the planting cup of the ecological floating beds to carry out in-situ restoration tests of the school’s landscape water body and to analyze and measure the data indexes of the pH,conductivity,nitrogen,total phosphorus,dissolved oxygen,chemical oxygen demand,etc.The results show:The removal ratio of phosphorus and the chemical oxygen demand of the ecological floating bed system of vetiver are 28.10%-51.05%,19.95%-51.5%respectively,and the dissolved oxygen mass concentration increases by 2.75%-137.85%.Influenced by the rainy season,external pollution flows into the landscape water body with rain,increasing ammonia nitrogen content,the pH value,and the conductivity value.The removal of ammonia nitrogen,total phosphorus,and the chemical oxygen demand in the landscape is related to plant absorption,root adsorption,and the activity of rhizosphere microbial.Due to vetiver planting,only a small amount of roots extend out of the planting cup of the ecological floating bed,which influences the vetiver’s absorption of ammonia nitrogen,total phosphorus of landscape water body,and is not conducive to the growth of rhizosphere microorganisms.In the actual restoration process of landscape water body,by controlling the sewage discharge,the planting technology of vetiver on the ecological floating bed is further optimized and the synergism of vetiver and rhizosphere microorganisms to purify landscape water body is fully brought into effect,which provides the guarantee for the practice of purification of the in-situ restoration of ecological floating beds to landscape water bodies.
作者 陈毛华 CHEN Mao-hua(Fuyang Vocational and Technical College,Fuyang 236031,Anhui,China)
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期1075-1083,共9页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 安徽省教育厅高校科学研究项目(KJ2019A1027) 阜阳市高层次创新创业领军人才工程项目(19) 安徽省高校学科(专业)拔尖人才学术资助项目(gxbjZD53)。
关键词 环境工程学 生态浮床 原位修复 香根草 environmental engineering ecological floating bed in situ restoration vetiver
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