

Philosophy and Art in view of Postmodernism
摘要 哲学与艺术的关系问题是贯穿西方思想演进的古老论题之一,其初显于古希腊诗—哲之争,完善于近现代欧陆哲学体系的更迭,并最终延伸入当代哲学的视域。在形而上学终结论与艺术衰退论盛行的当代社会,对两者内在关联的探讨从未停止。基于尼采与海德格尔哲学,意大利学者瓦蒂莫认为,艺术不仅未在哲学的现代性遭遇中失去其形而上的韵味,反而为后形而上学时代的真理建立了位置与场所,为后现代哲学的重构提供了机遇。巴迪欧宣告了对传统形而上学终结论的终结,号召哲学应主导一场向柏拉图主义的回归。他革新了对柏拉图哲学的解读,捕捉到了一种基于多元性角度进行思考的哲学。当代艺术与哲学的关系应从诗人时代的“缝合”中解脱出来,实现两者的“解缝”。由此,巴迪欧哲学呈现出了与诗化哲学不同的另一趋向:任何艺术主张都不应致力于将哲学变为美学,而是应将自身作为哲学地图不可或缺的前提,以此恢复哲学的本来面貌。 The relationship between philosophy and art is one of the ancient topics that run through the evolution of western thought.It is initially reflected in the dispute between poetry and philosophy in ancient Greek,perfected in the change of modern European philosophical system,and finally extended to the horizon of contemporary philosophy.In the contemporary society,prevailing the theory of the end of metaphysics and the decline theory of art,the discussion of the intrinsic relationship between them has never stopped.Based on Nietzsche's and Heidegger's philosophy,Italian scholar Gianni Vattimo believes that art not only does not lose its metaphysical implication in the encounter of modernity of philosophy,but also establishes the position and place for the truth in the post-metaphysics era.Rather,it provides an opportunity for the reconstruction of postmodern philosophy.Unlike Vattimo's traditional interpretation of the metaphysical dilemma and path,Alain Badiou declares the termination of theory of the end of metaphysics,calling that philosophy should lead a return to Platonism.He innovates the interpretation of Plato's philosophy and captures a philosophy based on pluralism.He believes that,as Plato expected,science,politics,art and love are the generic procedures of philosophy.However,the“suture”relationship between any premise and philosophy will lead to the“desolation”of philosophy.Therefore,the relationship between contemporary art and philosophy should be freed from the“suture”of the poet's era,achieving to remove the“suture”.Thus,Badiou's philosophy presents another trend different from poetic philosophy:any artistic proposition should not be committed to transforming philosophy into aesthetics,but should take itself as an indispensable prerequisite for the philosophical map so as to restore the original appearance of philosophy.
作者 刘聪 Liu Cong(College of Marxism,Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang Liaoning 110034)
出处 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第3期24-29,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才项目(XLYC2007063) 辽宁省社会科学规划基金(思政专项)(L19BSZ067) 辽宁省“百千万人才工程”人选科技活动支持项目(2020921112) 辽宁省教育厅科学研究经费项目(WJC202014) 湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究专项任务项目(思想政治理论课)(20Z007) 教育部人文社科研究青年项目(19YJC710103)。
关键词 形而上学 艺术 后现代主义 Metaphysics art postmodernism
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