
直线振动筛弹簧对筛箱运行姿态的影响研究 被引量:4

Research on Influence of Spring of Linear Vibrating Screen on Operation Attitude of Screen Box
摘要 利用Solid Works软件建立实体模型,然后导入动力学软件ADAMS,建立虚拟样机进行仿真研究,探究了隔振弹簧在6种不同故障组合下,对筛箱运行姿态的影响,通过ADAMS软件分别计算出6种弹簧故障模型下筛箱质心运动数据,联合Origin软件分别做出(X-Y),(X-Z),(Y-Z)3个平面内质心运动轨迹图并进行分析,通过现场实验,进一步验证了模型的有效性,为直线振动筛隔振弹簧的实时监测与故障诊断提供了理论依据。 The SolidWorks is used to build a solid model,and then the dynamics software ADAMS is imported to build a virtual prototype for simulation research.The influence of vibration isolation spring on the operation posture of the screen box under six different failure combinations is explored.The motion data of the center of mass of the screen box under six kinds of spring failure models are calculated by ADAMS software,and the motion trajectory of the center of mass in three planes(X-Y),(X-Z) and(Y-Z) are made by Origin software respectively and analyzed.The validity of the model is further verified by field experiments.The theoretical basis is provided for real-time monitoring and fault diagnosis of vibration isolation spring of screen.
作者 包继华 苏奕欣 张正旭 李国清 BAO Jihua;SU Yixin;ZHANG Zhengxu;LI Guoqing(Laboratory of Coal Transportation and Lifting,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China;Shandong Keda Electromechanical Technology Co.,Ltd.,Jining 272000,China)
出处 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第4期135-139,共5页 Coal Technology
基金 2020年度济宁市重点研发计划项目(2020ZDZP015)。
关键词 ADAMS 直线振动筛 隔振弹簧 故障诊断 ADAMS linear vibrating screen vibration isolation spring fault diagnosis
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