
跨文化传播中国化的历史钩沉与中国跨文化传播的现实镜鉴——何道宽教授访谈录 被引量:1

The Introductory History of Intercultural Communication and Mirroring of China’s Intercultural Communication——An Interview with Professor He Daokuan
摘要 何道宽教授是中国跨文化传播研究最早的引介者。该访谈实质上表征了大时代浪潮下学者鲜活的个体记忆与本土学术场域变迁之间的耦合,同时烛照了跨文化传播中国化的筚路蓝缕和中国跨文化传播实践的蓬勃生机。何道宽教授回顾了彼时引介跨文化传播的历史文化语境,强调了美国三位跨文化研究先驱对其学术旨趣的影响。在肯定了霍尔跨文化传播学奠基人的历史定位之后,他认为传播学不能忘记霍尔等人类学家的贡献,更不能消减自身的人文关怀和研究视野。霍尔对人类文化的共性有透彻理解,其对技术的警惕和批判的深刻性在人工智能狂飙突进的时代以及将来技术入侵人类机体和心理的时代有重要的警示意义。即使个人、群体、民族的文化各有其固守的疆域,我们也应该更自觉地高举霍尔“跨文化交流”的旗帜,在构建“人类命运共同体”的过程中打破各种各样的樊笼和囚笼。 Professor He Daokuan is the earliest scholar in introducing intercultural communication in China. This interview essentially represents the coupling between a scholar’s vivid individual memory and the change of local academic field under the tide of the times. At the same time, it mirrored the difficulties in the initial stage of intercultural communication studies and the vigorous vitality of China’s intercultural communication practice at present. Professor He Daokuan deeply reviewed the historical and cultural context of introducing intercultural communication at that time and emphasized the influence of the three American intercultural research pioneers on his academic interests. Affirming the founding role of Hall in intercultural communication, he believes that Communication Studies shouldn’t forget the contributions of anthropologists or reduce its own humanistic care and narrow down its research vision. As Hall has a thorough understanding of the commonness of human culture, his vigilance and criticism of technology are important in warning us in the era of rapid development of artificial intelligence and the era of technology invading human body and psychology in the future. Despite of the fixed cultural boundaries among individuals, groups and nations, we should consciously hold high the banner of Hall’s "Intercultural Communication" and break all kinds of barriers and cages in the process of building a community of common destiny for all mankind.
作者 李思乐 Li Sile(School of International Journalism and Communication,Beijing Foreign Studies University;School of Foreign Studies,Hubei University of Chinese Medicine)
出处 《新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期23-31,75,共10页 Journalism and Mass Communication
基金 2021年国家社科基金项目“后疫情时代中医药文化对外传播体系构建研究”(21BXW052)。
关键词 何道宽 跨文化传播 历史文化语境 霍尔 人类命运共同体 He Daokuan intercultural communication historical and cultural context Hall community of common destiny for all mankind
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