

Thoughts on the Attributes of Farmers'Contracted Land Ownership,Contractual Right and Management Right
摘要 我国经济学理论创新取得的一系列重要成果中,农民承包地具有所有权、承包权、经营权属性,是一次颇有新意的理论概括。以往对承包制或者认为是向私有制的倒退,或者认为是所有权和经营权的“两权分离”,都不是全面、准确、科学的认识。承包制没有改变我国土地的公有制性质,而且在实践中被证明是公有制的有效实现形式,在解决我国粮食安全中功不可没。但也不能用“两权分离”加以解释,它是马克思个人所有制理论在我国的成功实践,在维护公有制的同时,较好地实现了农民的个人所有权,因而极大调动了农民生产积极性。现在深化农村产权制度改革,实行所有权、承包权、经营权“三权分置”,实际上进一步强调了农村集体经济中农民个人所有权的落实。它不仅对深化完善农村改革具有指导意义,而且对城市公有制经济产权制度的改革完善也具有普遍指导意义。 Among a series of important achievements made in China's economic theory innovation,farmers'contracted land has the attributes of ownership,contractual right and management right,which is a rather innovative theoretical summary.In the past,it was not a comprehensive,accurate and scientific understanding of the contract system,which was regarded as a retrogression to private ownership,or as the"separation of ownership and management right".Contract system has not changed the nature of public ownership of land in China,and it has been proved to be an effective form of public ownership in practice,which has played an important role in solving China's food security.However,it can't be explained by"separation of ownership and management".It is a successful practice of Marx's personal ownership theory in China.While maintaining public ownership,it has well realized farmers'personal ownership,thus greatly mobilizing farmers'production enthusiasm.Now,deepening the reform of rural property rights system and implementing the"separation of ownership,contractual right and management right"have actually further emphasized the implementation of farmers'individual ownership in rural collective economy,which is of guiding significance not only for deepening and perfecting rural reform,but also for reforming and improving the property right system of urban public ownership economy.
作者 孔陆泉 郭杰 Kong Luquan;Guo Jie(Institute of Economic and Social Development,Party School of CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee,Nanjing Jiangsu 210009,China;Teaching and Research Section of Economics,Party School of CPC Zhenjiang Municipal Committee,Zhenjiang Jiangsu 212100,China)
出处 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期20-25,共6页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“《资本论》三大理论新解”(19FKSB047)。
关键词 所有权 承包权 经营权 三权分置 两权分离 ownership contractual right management right the separation of ownership,contractual right and management right the separation of ownership and management right
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