

Practices and Exploration of Urban and Rural School Layout in the Context of the Rapid Development of Transportation
摘要 教育资源布局调整是提高教学质量、改善教育结构、充分发挥教育资源作用的重要举措。“十二五”以来,贵州城乡学校布局结构的调整取得了很大进展,学校布局在体现公平方面有了明显的改善。但随着经济社会快速发展和交通高速发展,新型城镇化加快推进,人民群众对优质教育需求日益增长,现有学校布局已经难以适应新的发展形势。因此,在优化教育资源配置时,必须同步规划城乡学校布局,均衡配置城乡教育资源,同步提升城乡教育质量,合理处置闲置教育资源。 The adjustment of educational resources allocation is an important measure to improve teaching quality and educational structure to fully utilize educational resources.Since the implementation of the"Twelfth Five-Year Plan",great progress has been made in the adjustment of the layout of urban and rural schools in Guizhou,especially in terms of fairness.However,with the rapid development of economy,society and transportation,and the acceleration of new urbanization,the existing school layout has been difficult to adapt to the new development situation because of people's growing demand for high-quality education.Therefore,when optimizing the allocation of educational resources,it is necessary to simultaneously plan the layout of urban and rural schools,allocating urban and rural educational resources in a balanced manner,simultaneously,thus to improve the quality of urban and rural education,and rationally dispose of unutilized educational resources.
作者 梁恒贵 LIANG Henggui(Guizhou Department of Education,Guiyang,Guizhou,China,5500081)
机构地区 贵州省教育厅
出处 《教育文化论坛》 2022年第3期116-120,共5页 Tribune of Education Culture
关键词 城乡学校 布局 实践 探索 urban and rural schools layout practice exploration
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