传统的舞蹈教学模式主要有现场教学以及看视频教学两种方式,传统的教学模式有时间花费以及效率低等局限性(现场教学无法避免的时间花费、看视频教学的教学效率往往不高),但是E-Learning模式下的教学可以克服以上局限性。随着人机交互模式的发展,用户与计算机之间的交互已经被逐渐普及。Kinect作为一种动作捕捉设备被广泛用于虚拟现实人机交互中,由于Kinect V2通过其深度摄像机以及红外传感器就可以获得用户的深度图像以及人体骨骼关键点信息,因此利用Kinect设备来获取用户的相关数据,以Unity平台为主,开发了一款基于Kinect的、E-Learning模式下的舞蹈教学系统。
The traditional dance teaching mode mainly includes on-site teaching and video teaching,which has limitations such as time consumption and low efficiency.(the time cost of teaching on site is unavoidable,the efficiency of video teaching is often not high),but teaching in e-learning mode can overcome the above limitations.And with the development of human-computer interaction mode,the interaction between users and computers has been gradually popularized.Kinect as a motion capture device,is widely used in virtual reality human-computer interaction,Because Kinect V2 can obtain user’s depth image and key point information of human skeleton through its depth camera and infrared sensor.Therefore,this paper uses Kinect equipment to obtain the relevant data of users.Based on Unity platform,this paper developes a traditional dance teaching mode based on Kinect and e-learning mode.
Industrial Control Computer