
地面不均匀沉降下埋地管道响应数值分析 被引量:12

Numerical Analysis of Response of Buried Pipelines in Soil Differential-Settlement
摘要 地面不均匀沉降会使埋地管道的受力状态发生变化,也是埋地管道遭受破坏而引发各类事故的重要原因。针对4种不同管材的管道建立了管道‒土体一体化模型,采用有限元分析软件ABAQUS进行分析。对于钢管和PE管所代表的整体式管道主要分析其管道应力和应变响应,而对于球墨铸铁管和灰口铸铁管所代表的承插式管道主要分析其接口变形情况。探究了不同类型管道的抗沉降能力,得出了每种管道达到极限状态下的地面沉降位移,并研究了管径和土体沉降区域长度与地面极限沉降位移的关系。 Soil differential-settlement,which will change the stress state of buried pipelines,is one of the important causes for the damage of the buried pipelines.In this paper,pipeline-soil integrated models are established for four kinds of pipelines by utilizing the ABAQUS software.For continuous pipelines,such as steel pipelines and PE pipelines,the stress response of the pipelines are mainly analyzed.But for socket pipelines,represented by ductile iron pipelines and grey cast iron pipelines,the joint deformation is the mainly research object.Thus,the soil settlement displacement that causes the limit state of pipelines are obtained,which reflects the anti-settlement ability of different types of pipelines.Moreover,the effects of pipe diameter and length of the soil settlement area are discussed.
作者 刘威 黄淳捷 LIU Wei;HUANG Chunjie(College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期370-377,共8页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0802400)。
关键词 不均匀沉降 钢管 PE管 球墨铸铁管 灰口铸铁管 极限沉降位移 soil differential-settlement steel pipeline PE pipeline ductile iron pipeline grey cast iron pipeline ultimate soil settlement displacement
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