
四川盆地龙门山前北段构造演化特征及其油气地质意义 被引量:15

Structural characteristics and implications on oil/gas accumulation in north segment of the Longmenshan piedmont,northwestern Sichuan Basin
摘要 基于地表地质、地震、电法、钻井等资料综合研究,对四川盆地龙门山前北段逆冲推覆前锋断层的构造变形特征进行精细刻画。研究表明,逆冲推覆前锋断层整体为隐伏断层,并发育断层传播褶皱,仅在香水场—江油一带出露香水断层,对应地表的厚坝高陡地层变形带,沿三叠系嘉陵江组—雷口坡组膏盐岩滑脱层没有大规模位移量向盆地内传递。逆冲推覆前锋断层在厚坝以南部分为断坪-断坡多转折断层,沿嘉陵江组上断坪滑脱形成中坝背斜;而在厚坝以北部分则为铲型断层,深层寒武系被逆冲出露地表。以逆冲推覆前锋断层为界,断层上盘叠瓦构造带在印支期大规模逆冲,喜马拉雅期再次活化,下盘隐伏构造变形主要形成于喜马拉雅期。逆冲推覆前锋断层下盘隐伏构造生储盖匹配条件整体较好,具备形成大型气藏的有利地质条件;逆冲推覆前锋断层上盘在重华以北出露三叠系及更古老的地层,油气保存条件差,而重华以南至武都地区被侏罗系覆盖且嘉陵江组膏盐岩层较厚的断块油气保存条件相对较好,具备成藏条件。逆冲推覆前锋断层不仅是龙门山与四川盆地的盆山分界断层,也是川西北地区油气成藏系统的界线。 By integrating surface geology,seismic data,resistivity profiles,and drilling data,the structural deformation characteristics of the frontier fault of thrust nappes were delineated in detail.The frontier fault of thrust nappes in northwest Scihuan Basin is a buried thrust fault with partial exposure in the Xiangshuichang-Jiangyou area,forming fault propagation folds in the hanging-wall and without presenting large-scale basin-ward displacement along the gypsum-salt layer of the Jialingjiang Formation to the Leikoupo Formation.The southwestern portion of the frontier fault of thrust nappes(southwest of Houba)forms fault bend folds with multiple ramps and flats,giving rise to the Zhongba anticline due to hanging-wall slip along the upper flat of the Jialingjiang Formation.In contrast,the northeastern portion of the frontier fault of thrust nappes(northeast of Houba)presents upward steepening geometry,leading to surface exposure of Cambrian in its hanging-wall.With the frontier fault of thrust nappes as the boundary between the Longmenshan Mountain and the Sichuan Basin,the imbricated structural belt in the hanging-wall thrusted strongly in the Indosinian orogeny and was reactivated in the Himalayan orogeny,while the piedmont buried structural belt in the footwall was formed in the Himalayan orogeny.In the footwall of the frontier fault of thrust nappes,the piedmont buried structural belt has good configuration of source rocks,reservoir rocks and cap rocks,presenting good potential to form large gas reservoirs.In comparison,the hanging-wall of the frontier fault of thrust nappes north of Chonghua has poor condition of oil/gas preservation due to the surface exposure of Triassic and deeper strata,while the fault blocks in the hanging-wall from Chonghua to Wudu,with Jurassic cover and thicker gypsum-salt layer of the Jialingjiang formation,has relative better oil/gas preservation conditions and thus potential of oil/gas accumulation.The frontier fault of thrust nappes is not only the boundary between the Longmenshan Mountain and the Sichuan Basin,but also the boundary of the oil/gas accumulation system in northwestern Sichuan Basin.
作者 梁瀚 文龙 冉崎 韩嵩 刘冉 陈康 狄贵东 陈骁 裴仰文 LIANG Han;WEN Long;RAN Qi;HAN Song;LIU Ran;CHEN Kang;DI Guidong;CHEN Xiao;PEI Yangwen(Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Southwest Oil&Gas Field Company,Chengdu 610041,China;School of Earth Science and Technology,China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266580,China;Shandong Key Laboratory of Deep Petroleum,Qingdao 266580,China)
出处 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期478-490,共13页 Petroleum Exploration and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“碎屑岩储集层断裂带构造成岩作用和油气封堵特征研究”(41872143) 国家科技重大专项“四川盆地二叠系—中三叠统天然气富集规律与目标评价”(2016ZX05007-004) 中国石油科技重大专项“四川盆地碳酸盐岩地球物理关键技术研究与应用”(2016E-0604)。
关键词 四川盆地 龙门山 前陆盆地 前陆冲断带 断层相关褶皱 膏盐岩滑脱层 逆冲推覆 油气聚集 构造演化 Sichuan Basin Longmenshan Mountain foreland basin foreland thrust belt fault-related folding gypsum-salt detachment thrust faulting hydrocarbon accumulation tectonic evolution
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