
成长型思维与创业行为倾向研究——基于创业失败恐惧的多维度调节作用 被引量:2

Growth Mindset and Entrepreneurial Behavior Tendency:An Analysis Based on the Multi-Dimensional Moderator of Entrepreneurial Fear of Failure
摘要 为探究思维模式对潜在创业者认知能力的影响,帮助其提升实施创业行为的可能性,解决潜在创业者创业时的犹豫,将内隐理论引入创业领域,结合社会认知理论,检验成长型思维、创业自我效能感与创业行为倾向之间的作用机制,并将创业失败恐惧作为多维度调节变量进行研究。以辽宁省潜在创业者作为调研对象,利用SPSS24.0软件对171份有效样本进行数据处理与分析。结果发现:成长型思维对创业行为倾向具有正向影响;创业自我效能感在成长型思维与创业行为倾向之间起部分中介作用;对商业理念的恐惧和对社会尊严威胁的恐惧负向调节创业自我效能感与创业行为倾向之间的关系。研究结论有助于个体正确认识并克服失败恐惧,激发创业欲望,推进“大众创业,万众创新”深入发展。 The world is undergoing a new round of information and technological revolution.Entrepreneurship and innovation have become the driving force for economic development.Entrepreneurial behavior tendency as individual conscious planning behavior,to the greatest extent,represents the entrepreneurial intention of potential entrepreneurs and becomes the basis of entrepreneurial activities.Therefore,how to scientifically and effectively enhance entrepreneurial behavior tendency has become an urgent problem to be solved.The research on entrepreneurial behavior tendency becomes the key,but the existing research mostly are from the perspectives of macro policy and social environment,only a few studies are from the micro perspective with focus on entrepreneurial trait theory and emotion theory.Mindset is a unique way of thinking in which individuals know things and understand their environment.It can be the internal driving force that affects the individual's entrepreneurial behavior,but few of the present research pay enough attention to the mindset of cognitive ability.Based on implicit theory,it is believed that people's abilities and intelligence can be developed and cultivated,and they influence individuals'positive perception and interpretation of entrepreneurial environment,thus enhancing their efforts to engage in entrepreneurial activities.In addition,entrepreneurial self-efficacy,as an individual's belief in positive cognition of self-ability,is not only related to the mastery of past experience,but also promotes positive beliefs about the future expectation of the activities they engage in,which can significantly improve the individual's expectation of entrepreneurship and fuel them up for the implementation of entrepreneurial behavior tendency.Entrepreneurship itself is highly uncertain.The process of entrepreneurship involves the assessment of the risks associated with the implementation of entrepreneurial behavior,the unknown outcome of entrepreneurship,and the fear of potential failure,which seriously hinder the development of potential entrepreneurs'confidence.In order to explore how mindset affects the cognitive ability of potential entrepreneurs,enhance the possibility of implementing entrepreneurial behavior,and relieve the potential entrepreneurs from hesitation and self-doubt to start their own business,this paper attempts to introduce implicit theory into the field of entrepreneurship,explore the influence mechanism of growth mindset on entrepreneurial behavior tendency.In addition,entrepreneurial self-efficacy is regarded as a bridge between growth mindset and entrepreneurial behavior tendency to improve the cognitive evaluation of the feasibility of individual entrepreneurial behavior,which enriches the research on entrepreneurial behavior tendency from the perspective of entrepreneurial cognition.Meanwhile,the paper further explores the influence of entrepreneurial fear of failure on the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial behavior tendency,regards entrepreneurial fear of failure as a multidimensional moderator variable,in which individual fear inhibits the effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurial behavior tendency,so as to rationally understand the fear of entrepreneurial failure.The paper investigates the potential entrepreneurs in Liaoning Province of China.A total of 171 valid questionnaires are collected,and the statistical analysis is conducted using SPSS24.0.It is found that growth mindset positively is related to entrepreneurial behavior tendency;entrepreneurial self-efficacy positively is related to entrepreneurial behavior tendency;entrepreneurial self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between growth mindset and entrepreneurial behavior tendency;fear of business idea and fear of social esteem threat negatively moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial behavior tendency.The findings provide some management enlightenment.First,the malleability of growth mindset suggests that entrepreneurship can be cultivated.Schools,business incubators and individuals need to work together to foster and develop growth mindset.Secondly,entrepreneurial self-efficacy is not only evaluated by individual self-cognition,but also closely related to the surrounding environment of the individual.The government should actively create a supportive entrepreneurial environment,and motivate potential entrepreneurs to start their own business by providing preferable policies and measures.Finally,society should strive to create a culture that tolerates business failure,and encourages innovation and entrepreneurship;individuals need to increase resilience in addressing entrepreneurial frustrations,rationally recognize that fear of failure is a necessary part of starting a business,for it helps to reduce individuals'negative perception that business failure will lead to lose of social dignity.
作者 张广宁 泄玉珍 孟庆娜 Zhang Guangning;Xie Yuzhen;Meng Qingna(Business School, Liaoning University, Shenyang 110036, China)
机构地区 辽宁大学商学院
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第10期32-40,共9页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(19BGL080)。
关键词 成长型思维 创业自我效能感 创业行为倾向 创业失败恐惧 Growth Mindset Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Entrepreneurial Behavior Tendency Entrepreneurial Fear of Failure
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