

Cross-Cyclical Regulation Mechanism for Agriculture:The Essence,Key Tasks and Strategic Choices
摘要 农业跨周期调节是国家从农业中长期发展的宏观视角,审慎评估农业经济周期间波动的合理性与异常性,以克服农业经济自身周期性波动、避免其诱发国民经济“超常规”连锁反应和系统性风险为调控目标,通过使用财政、货币、汇率等多元互补政策工具,综合运用行政、法律、市场等手段,构建涵盖预测、预警、评价、监督、责任在内的治理结构和工作运行体系,对具有全局性、公共性、长期性的农业经济活动进行稳健、科学和适度干预的调节机制。农业跨周期调节的重点领域包括保障粮食和重要农产品有效供给、稳定农产品价格与市场秩序、畅通农产品产销渠道、促进农业农村投融资稳定发展、保持农民就业与收入稳定增长以及平衡稳增长与防风险的关系。从协调顶层设计权威性与市场调节灵活性、正确发挥政府和市场作用、推进法治化建设、统筹国内大循环为主与高水平对外开放等方面出发,可推动我国农业跨周期调节路径优化与机制完善。 The agricultural cross-cyclical regulation is a regulatory mechanism that conducts robust,scientific and moderate interventions for the general,public and long-term agricultural economic activities.The state establishes this regulation from the macro perspective of medium and long-term agricultural development,based upon careful evaluations of the rationality and abnormality of fluctuations in agricultural economic cycles.The goal of regulation is to overcome the cyclical fluctuations of the agricultural economy itself and avoid it from triggering“extraordinary”chain reactions and systemic risks in the national economy.Through the use of multiple complementary policy tools such as finance,currency,and exchange rate,and comprehensive use of administrative,legal,market and other means,a governance structure and work operation system covering forecasting,early warning,evaluation,supervision,and responsibility have been established.The key areas of agricultural cross-cyclical regulation include ensuring the effective supply of grain and important agricultural products,stabilizing the price and market order of agricultural products,unblocking the production and marketing channels of agricultural products,promoting the stable development of agricultural and rural investment and financing,maintaining the stable growth of farmers’employment and income,and balancing the relationship between stable growth and risk prevention.It is advisable to promote the path optimization of China’s agricultural cross-cyclical regulation mechanism from the aspects of coordinating the authority of top-level design with the flexibility of market regulation,correctly giving full play to the role of government and market,promoting the construction of laws,coordinating the domestic large cycle with a high-level opening to the outside world.
作者 杨久栋 郭芸芸 Yang Jiudong;Guo Yunyun(School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872;College of Economics and Management,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期108-115,共8页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 农业农村部发展规划司课题“农业农村经济运行重大风险研究”(B02101) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题“乡村振兴战略实施路径研究”(18JZD030)。
关键词 农业 跨周期调节 路径优化 agriculture cross-cyclical regulation mechanism path optimization
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