

Nursing of a case of goal-directed pulmonary rehabilitation after spinal cord surgery for typeⅡspinal muscular atrophy
摘要 目的总结1例Ⅱ型脊髓性肌萎缩脊柱矫形术后患者的护理经验。方法在ICU复苏期间,对患者困难气道拔管的监测、气道分泌物松动清除、锻炼肺部功能、缓解焦虑情绪实施目标导向性肺康复的护理措施。结果患者术后困难气道顺利拔管、肺部功能恢复良好、焦虑情绪得以缓解,并于术后17 d顺利出院。结论目标导向性肺部护理有助于促进Ⅱ型脊髓性肌萎缩脊柱矫形术后患者肺康复,提升患者生命质量。 Objective To summarize the nursing care measures of a patient after spinal orthopedic surgery for spinal muscular atrophy typeⅡ.Methods The patient was provided with a goal-directed pulmonary rehabilitation nursing program during ICU resuscitation by exercise pulmonary function,monitor difficult airway extubation and alleviating anxiety.Results The patient postoperative pulmonary function recovered well,the difficult airway was extubated smoothly and the anxiety was relieved.The patient was discharged from the hospital on the 17th day after the operation.Conclusions Goal-directed pulmonary care can help promote pulmonary rehabilitation and improve the quality of patient survival after orthopedic surgery for spinal muscular atrophy typeⅡ.
作者 罗旭 刘朝 孙建华 罗红波 李奇 李尊柱 Luo Xu;Liu Chao;Sun Jianhua;Luo Hongbo;Li Qi;Li Zunzhu(Department of Critical Care Medicine,Kailuan General Hospital,Tangshan 063003,China;Department of Occupational Diseases,Kailuan Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Hospital,Tangshan 063003,China;Department of Critical Care Medicine,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100730,China)
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 2022年第10期786-790,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(3332021018) 北京协和医院护理科研基金(XHHLKY201903)。
关键词 护理 脊髓性肌萎缩 撤机困难 气道管理 Nursing care Spinal muscular atrophy Difficulty weaning Airway management
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