

eview and Reflection on the Hot Topics of Educational Law Research: Based on the Statistical Analysis of National Education Science Planning Projects in Past Ten Years
摘要 教育法学作为教育学与法学两大领域的新兴交叉学科,其研究现状值得关注。以2011—2020年全国教育科学规划课题的立项项目为研究对象,通过文献计量、知识图谱和内容分析,结合"十二五""十三五"期间教育立法、司法实践,对全国教育科学规划课题中涉及教育法学专题的概况进行全面回顾后发现,立项项目总量保持平稳缓慢增长,主题覆盖全面,涵盖学校治理、教育法治、教师权益、学生权益、民办学校分类改革等内容;研究视野广阔,主题围绕国家的立法与政策变革逐步嬗变;新老问题均能关注;推动了教育法学的学科地位与队伍建设。展望未来,相关研究仍需高度重视国家法律政策层面的重大变化,强化依法治教难点、热点问题的研讨,注重大数据等新方法的运用,进一步推动教育法学学科建设与人才培养。 As an emerging interdisciplinary subject in the two fields of education and law, the research status of educational law is worth of attention. Taking the projects of national education science planning from 2011 to 2020 as the research object, through bibliometrics, knowledge mapping and content analysis, combined with the educational legislation and judicial practice during the 12 th and 13 th Five Year Plans, this paper makes a comprehensive review of the current national education science planning projects involving educational law topics. It is found that the total number of projects has maintained a steady and slow growth, and the research themes cover a comprehensive range, including school governance, educational rule of law, teachers’ rights and interests, students’ rights and interests, classified reform of non-governmental schools, etc. The research field of vision is broad and the topic changes gradually around the national legislation and policy reform, while both new and old issues have been paid attention to. The research projects have promoted the discipline status and team building of educational law. Looking forward to the future, relevant research still needs to attach great importance to the major changes of national laws and policies, strengthen the discussion on the weak links, difficulties and hot issues of administering education according to law, and pay attention to the application of new methods such as big data, so as to further promote the discipline construction and talent training of educational law.
作者 刘斌 金劲彪 邹婷婷 LIU Bin;JIN Jinbiao;ZOU Tingting(Zhejiang Shuren University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310015,China)
机构地区 浙江树人大学
出处 《浙江树人大学学报》 2022年第1期81-90,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University
基金 全国教育科学规划课题教育部重点项目(DIA210358)。
关键词 教育法学 教育学科 全国教育科学规划课题 educational law educational subjects national education science planing projects
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