

Digital Literacy of Coaches in the Digital Age:Conceptual Connotation,Value Implication and Development Path
摘要 数字时代的来临,数字技术对当代人的思维、生产、生活和学习方式产生了深远影响,要求国民拥有数字素养,数字素养是数字时代世人不可或缺的核心素养之一。伴随着竞技体育数字化训练转型升级,教练员要想适应这一训练模式的转变,必须具备数字素养。教练员数字素养是指在“数字化训练”背景下,教练员借助数字技术安全、有效、恰当地获取、管理、理解、整合、交流、评估和创造数据信息,以提升运动员训练效益的能力。本文通过查阅相关文献,探究教练员数字素养“是什么”“为什么”“应如何”,从概念内涵、价值意蕴和发展路径三个维度展开系统研究。研究认为,提高教练员数字素养发展观念认知,营造教练员数字素养发展的培育环境和完善教练员数字素养发展的政策制定是发展教练员数字素养的有效路径。 In the digital age,digital technology has had a far-reaching impact on people’s way of thinking,production,life and learning.It requires citizens to have digital literacy.Digital literacy is one of the indispensable core literacy in the digital age.With the transformation and upgrading of competitive sports digital training,coaches must have digital literacy if they want to adapt to the transformation of this training mode.Coaches’digital literacy refers to the ability of coaches to safely,effectively and properly acquire,manage,understand,integrate,exchange,evaluate and create data information with the help of digital technology in the context of“digital training”,so as to improve the training efficiency of athletes.By consulting relevant literature,this paper explores the“what”,“why”and“how”of coaches’digital literacy,and makes a systematic research from three dimensions:concept connotation,value implication and development path.The research shows that improving the cognition of coaches’concept of digital literacy development,creating the cultivation environment for coaches’digital literacy development and improving the policy-making of coaches’digital literacy development are the effective ways to develop coaches’digital literacy.
作者 沈伟 吴彰忠 Shen Wei;Wu Zhangzhong(Sports Big Data Research Center,Wuhan Sport University,Wuhan 430079,Hubei,China)
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2022年第5期229-232,共4页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
基金 数字体育助力体育强国建设研究,国家体育总局决策咨询研究项目(项目编号:2021-B-09-2) 湖北省楚天学者计划资助项目(项目编号:201715185)。
关键词 教练员 数字素养 数字时代 coach digital literacy digital age
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