
国际经济地理学研究的知识图谱分析 被引量:1

Knowledge Visualization Analysis of International Economic Geography Research
摘要 基于Web of Science核心数据库收录的1982-2020年7260篇期刊论文及其参考文献,借助CiteSpace绘制国际经济地理学的知识图谱,梳理该领域的知识基础、研究热点和研究前沿。结果发现:1)知识基础的演进轨迹遵循了新区域主义——制度、社会、文化、演化转向的时序变化,21世纪以来,关系、演化经济地理学下的经典文献成为主要的知识来源。2)研究热点突出,创新和增长始终是研究核心,近年来韧性、全球生产网络、金融地理、全球城市、不平等、企业家精神等成为新的研究热点。3)研究前沿具有较强的问题导向,主要基于西方发达国家的产业发展实践。4)研究空间呈现英美主导的两级格局,大部分国家仍处于边缘地带。5)国际经济地理学呈现明显的数字转向、可持续转型趋势,新冠疫情对学科走向也有一定影响。借鉴国际研究经验,中国经济地理学应加强理论创新并提出具有中国实践特色的理论体系,同时推动多学科之间的交叉融合并加强从社会学视角解读社会经济活动的地理学意义。 Economic geography is a subject whose research field and direction are changing. Its developmenttrack and research topics are influenced by the social development environment in which scholars live. The globaleconomy is in a period of dramatic change, and the research perspectives and topics of economic geography havebeen changing particularly rapidly, with the constant emergence of new research results and new researchcharacteristics and development trends. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out and analyze the researchachievements of international economic geography and explore its development context and latest researchfrontiers. This paper takes 7,260 studies in the Web of Science core collection, from 1982 to 2020, as the sampleliterature, visualizing the intellectually-based research hotspots and frontiers of international economic geographywith the help of the Citespace tool. It is expected to provide scientific reference for constructing the theory ofeconomic geography with Chinese characteristics and promoting the international influence of Chinese economicgeography. Our findings reflect the following. First, over the past 40 years, economics and economic geographyhave been the main knowledge sources of international economic geography. In addition, they have absorbed theresearch content of political economy, ecology, and other disciplines, which reflects their increasingly stronginterdisciplinary nature. The intellectual base reflects changes in the economic geography research trend,basically following new regionalism, social turn, cultural turn, relational turn, and mobility turn. Since the 21stcentury, classical literature, under the context of relational and evolutionary economic geography, has been themain source of knowledge. Second, innovation and growth have always been the two core areas of research;hotissues such as globalization, cities, clusters, networks, the labor force, and policy have also attracted scholarlyattention. Recent research points to hot keywords including resilience, global production networks, financialgeography, global cities, inequality, and entrepreneurship. To some extent, these research hotspots represent theproblems faced in the current stage of social development. Third, this research frontier is strongly problemoriented,which is mainly based on the industrial development practice of western developed countries. In the eraof global urbanization in the 21st century, urban issues and governance, industrial clusters, and knowledge havebecome research hotspots. Since 2010, the spatial evolution process of economic activities has attracted moreattention, and research on its driving mechanism has been increasingly in-depth. Finally, the internationaleconomic geography research space is extremely uneven, which is closely related to the process of global socialand economic development. The UK and US have always occupied a hegemonic position in the field of economicgeography, even if the tentacles of mainstream economic geography begin to extend beyond Europe and America,most countries are still on the fringes of academic discussion. In general, international economic geographyshows an obvious trend toward digital and sustainable transformation, and the COVID-19 pandemic has also hada certain impact on the direction of the discipline. Drawing on the international research experience, China'seconomic geography should strengthen theoretical innovation and put forward a theoretical system with Chinesepractical characteristics, promote the cross and integration of various disciplines, and strengthen the interpretationof the geographical significance of social economic activities from the perspective of sociology.
作者 展亚荣 谷人旭 Zhan Yarong;Gu Renxu(The Institute of Urban Development,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;School of Urban and Regional Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期706-715,共10页 Tropical Geography
关键词 经济地理学 演化转向 知识图谱 CITESPACE economic geography evolutionary turn knowledge visualization CiteSpace
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