

Job Scheduling Optimization for Three-stacker AS/RS
摘要 研究三载具自动化立体仓库的作业调度问题,有利于提高系统运行效率,降低成本。根据其进出库作业方式,从订单的指令分组、堆垛机的行走模式和行走顺序三个方面进行分析,结合存储系统实际运作情况,考虑堆垛机在行走过程中的加速度,建立复合作业数学模型,并设计混合人工蜂群算法进行求解。利用实例对算法性能进行对比分析,结果表明:混合人工蜂算法具有较高的求解效率和计算精度,优化效果更好。在此算法基础上,对单、双和三载具堆垛机运作效率进行了计算分析,结果表明:三载具自动化立体仓库具有较高的运行效率,其性能更优。 In this paper,we studied the job scheduling problem of a three-stacker based AS/RS with the intent to improve the operating efficiency of the system and reduce its cost.According to the inbound/outbound operation process,we approached the problem from the aspects of order grouping,walking mode and sequence of the stacker.Next,combined with the actual operation of the warehouse system,and considering the acceleration of the stacker during the walking process,we established a composite mathematical model,and designed a hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm to solve it.Then,we compared and analyzed the effectiveness of the algorithm using an empirical example,showing that the hybrid artificial bee algorithm was superior in solution efficiency and calculation accuracy,and accordingly had better optimization effect.At the end,on such basis,we calculated the operation efficiency of the AS/RS respectively with a single stacker,two stackers and three stackers,showing that the three-stacker AS/RS was optimal in terms of operation efficiency and better performance.
作者 王婷 王洁慈 WANG Ting;WANG Jieci(Shaanxi Institute of International Trade&Commerce,Xi'an 712046,China)
出处 《物流技术》 2022年第5期128-134,共7页 Logistics Technology
关键词 三载具自动化立体仓库 行走模式 行走顺序 进出库调度 混合人工蜂算法 three-stacker AS/RS walking mode walking sequence inbound/outbound scheduling hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm
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