

The reliability and validity analysis of the Self-Competence in Death Work Scale among clinical medical staff caring patient with epidemic disease
摘要 目的:对临终护理工作心理准备度量表进行修订并在诊疗重大传染病医护人员中检测其信效度。方法:通过便利抽样和滚雪球抽样法选取281名诊疗/护理新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)医护人员进行调查。结果:量表条目临界比决断值为14.23~38.62;条目分与总分相关系数为0.49~0.82。量表条目内容效度指数(I-CVI)为0.86~1.00,量表水平的内容效度指数(S-CVI)为0.98。探索性因子分析提取2个公因子,解释总方差的64.5%。量表、现实认知准备和情绪应对准备维度Cronbach′sα系数为0.92,0.86和0.91;折半信度系数为0.88,0.80和0.88;重测信度为0.80,0.73和0.82。结论:简体中文版量表在诊疗重大传染病医护人员中运用时信效度良好。 Objective:To revised the Self-Competence in Death Work Scale and verify its reliability and validity among clinical medical staff caring patient with epidemic disease.Methods:A total of 281 medical staff in diagnosis/nursing of COVID-19 were recruited by convenient sampling and snowball sampling method.Results:Critical ratio determination values of scale items were 14.23~38.62;The correlation coefficients between items and total scores were 0.49~0.82.Contents validity index of scale items(I-CVI) ranged from 0.86 to 1.00,contents validity index of scale level(S-CVI) was 0.98.Exploratory factor analysis extracted two common factors, explaining the total variance of 64.5%.Cronbach′s α coefficients of scale, reality cognitive readiness and emotional coping readiness were 0.92,0.86 and 0.91.The half-fold reliability coefficients were 0.88,0.80 and 0.88.The retest reliabilities were 0.80,0.73 and 0.82.Conclusions:The reliability and validity of the simplified Chinese scale in diagnosis and treatment of major infectious diseases are good.
作者 唐娇 罗忠琛 薛科燕 TANG Jiao;LUO Zhongchen;XUE Keyan(School of Nursing,Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 400016 China)
出处 《全科护理》 2022年第15期2017-2020,共4页 Chinese General Practice Nursing
基金 2020年贵州医科大学护理学科专项科研项目,编号:YJ20063。
关键词 临终护理工作心理准备度量表 医护人员 信度 效度 Self-Competence in Death Work Scale medical staff reliability validity
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