

Design and implementation of hull draft monitoring system based on data depth mining
摘要 船舶在内河航道航行时,当船体吃水深度过大,容易发生船舶与航道的碰撞和搁浅事故,造成生命财产损失,因此,有必要对内河航道的船舶吃水状态进行实时监控。本文设计一种在线式船体吃水深度监测系统,该系统利用超声波传感器获取船体的吃水深度数据,并结合数据挖掘技术对海量的船舶吃水深度数据进行分类和识别,提高船体吃水深度数据的准确性,有利于保障内河航运安全性。 When the ship is sailing in the inland waterway, when the hull draft is too large, the collision and grounding accidents between the ship and the waterway are easy to occur, resulting in the loss of life and property. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the ship draft state in the Inland Waterway in real time. In this paper, an online hull draft monitoring system is designed. The system uses ultrasonic sensor to obtain the hull draft data, and combines data mining technology to classify and identify the massive ship draft data, so as to improve the accuracy of hull draft data and ensure the safety of inland shipping traffic.
作者 李舒乙 LI Shu-yi(School of College of Life and Health Science,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110000,China)
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2022年第8期186-189,共4页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 数据挖掘 吃水深度 在线监测 data mining the depth of the draft online monitoring
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