

Research on the Evolution and Characteristics of Coastal Oyster Breeding Technology in Fujian and Guangdong Provinces during the Ming and Qing Dynasties
摘要 闽粤沿海是中国海耕文明与养蠔业主要分布地区,北宋始有“插竹养蠔”。随着明清闽粤沿海居民对蠔的生物习性认识发展、市场需求拉动、人多地少矛盾加剧、环境与气候变化,尤其是水土流失、冬冷寒害频发,促使养蠔技术不断演进。其历程如下:明代“插竹养蠔”技术发展,发现瓦片、瓷片是理想附着基,蠔田分采苗区与生长区,出现“二区养蠔”;清代早期始有石块烧红散投采苗和“一岁两种”制度,以泥橇行进采苗、打蠔及管理;清代中后期始有育肥区,形成“三区养蠔”技术体系,将石块曝数十日后砌畦采苗,以疏插、间苗等方法管理。明清闽粤沿海养蠔有以下特点:符合中国传统农学“三才”思想原则;具有实用性、适应性、移植性、先进性和传统农业资源节约、循环利用特质;对当代建设海洋牧场与生态文明具有借鉴意义。 Fujian and Guangdong are the main coastal regions of China's marine-farming civilization and oyster industry.The technology of using bamboos to breed oysters was invented from the Northern Song Dynasty.In the Ming and Qing Dynasties,bamboo-oyster-breeding technology was continually promoted with the development of people's knowledge about oysters'biological characteristics,market demands'driving,conflicts between large population and few lands and changes of environments and climates,especially the problems of water and soil erosion as well as winter agricultural disasters.Its evolutionary process:bamboo-oyster-breeding technology was developed in the Ming Dynasty.Additionally,tiles and ceramic chips were found to be ideal substrata,and oyster farms were divided into seedling collection areas and oyster growing areas,which was called"two oyster-breeding areas";In the early Qing Dynasty,using burned stones for seedling collection and"seed twice a year"system began to appear.Meanwhile,seedling collec tion,oyster striking,and farm management could all use one kind of mud board that were able to move through muddy grounds;During the middle and late Qing Dynasty,fattening areas began to appear,which developed into"three oyster-breeding areas"technology system.Stones were exposed for dozens of days and piled up for seedling collection.Sparse insert and seedling thinning were also introduced for farm management.These characteristics accord with Chinese traditional agricultural principle of"Three Talents Thoughts",which is equipped with practicability,flexibility,portability,advancement as well as traditional agricultural characteristics of resource conservation and cyclic utilization.Therefore,it is meaningful and important for contemporary marine ranching construction and ecological civilization.
作者 宋超 刘佳星 李梁小娟 SONG Chao;LIU Jia-xing;LI Liang-xiao-juan(Research Institute for History of Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Information Science&Technology,Nanjing 210044)
出处 《中国农史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期32-44,共13页 Agricultural History of China
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“中国对越南农业技术援助文献整理与研究1950-1978”(19BZS079) 南京信息工程大学人才启动基金项目(2016R070) 国家气象局软科学重点项目“基于智慧气象服务的核心技术和体制机制研究”(2021ZDIANXM21)。
关键词 福建广东沿海 养蠔技术演进 明清时期 coastal areas in Fujian and Guangdong provinces the evolution of oyster breeding technology Ming and Qing Dynasties
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