
医院专职感控人员和感控部门现状及新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间工作情况调查 被引量:3

Investigation on the status quo of full-time infection control personnel and infection control departments in hospitals and work during the corona virus disease 2019
摘要 目的调查专职医院感染预防与控制(简称感控)人员、感控部门现状及新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情期间工作情况,为政策制定及学科建设提供依据。方法于2020年3月4—16日采用本院自制调查问卷对全国1265家医院的专职感控人员及部门负责人进行调查。结果1652名调查对象中,84.32%感控人员毕业于护理学专业,50.67%感控人员从事感控工作时间<5年,47.22%感控人员除从事感控工作外还兼任其他职能部门工作,42.68%感控人员年龄40~50岁,仅21.67%想继续从事感控工作,职业成就感较差。调查对象所在的1265家医院等级情况:三级甲等189家,占比14.94%;三级乙等203家,占比16.05%;二级甲等420家,占比33.20%;二级乙等171家,占比13.52%;一级282家,占比22.29%。调查对象的医院中,830家非新冠肺炎定点医院,占比65.61%;829家未收治疑似或确诊病例,占比65.53%。81.90%感控部门是独立部门,64.74%感控部门人员由非多学科背景人员构成(医疗、护理、检验等)。编制床位与感控专职人员比值多为200~250床/人(58.02%);编制床位与感控专职人员比值与医院等级有关(P<0.05)。41.98%医院感控专职人员配备不达标,且编制床位>1000张的医院中有68.35%不达标,50.36%医院未配备院感监测信息系统。医院领导及临床科室日常对感控重视程度尚不够,以3分为主,而疫情期间,领导及临床科室对感控重视度较日常均有所提高,分别以5分、4分为主;84.50%感控部门有一定决策权,绝大部分感控部门负责或参与指导个人防护、消毒与隔离、制定并更新疫情防控制度与流程、布局改造等工作。结论我国感控部门专业结构单一,人员数量不足,硬件条件有限,不能满足日常及突发公共卫生事件时工作需求,感控队伍及学科建设刻不容缓,疫情期间感控人员承担了大量工作,为疫情防控做出重要贡献。 Objective To survey the current situation of the infection prevention and control practitioners(IPCP)and the department,and their work during the corona virus disease 2019(COVID-19)to provide a basis for policy formulation and discipline construction.Methods A self-made questionnaire was used to investigate the full-time hospital IPCP and the department heads of 1265 hospitals across the country from March 4 th to16 th,2020.Results Among the 1652 survey respondents,84.32%of IPCP graduated from nursing,50.67%of IPCP worked in the department for less than 5 years,47.22%of IPCP in addition to the work in the infection control department were concurrently hold other functions work,42.68%of IPCP aged 40-50 years old,and only 21.67%of them were willing to continue to work in the department,with poor professional achievement.The rank distribution of the 1265 hospitals were as follows:there were 189 tertiary first-class A,accounting for 14.94%;203 third-class B,accounting for16.05%;420 second-class A,accounting for 33.20%;171 second-class B,accounting for 13.52%;282 first-class,accounting for 22.29%.Among the hospitals surveyed,830 are not designated hospitals for new coronary pneumonia,accounting for 65.61%;829 have not admitted suspected or confirmed cases,accounting for 65.53%.81.90%of the infection control departments were independent departments,and 64.74%of IPCP were composed of non-multidisciplinary background personnel(Medical,Nursing,Inspection,etc.).The ratio of hospital authorized beds to IPCP was mostly200-250 beds/person(58.02%);and the ratio of it was related to hospitalgrade(P<0.05).41.98%of the full-time staff engaged in the prevention and control of nosocomial infection in hospitals were not up to standard,and 68.35%of the hospitals with more than 1000 beds did not meet the standard.50.36%of hospitals were not equipped with hospital surveillance information system.The leadership of the hospital and clinical departments do not pay enough attention to infection control on a daily basis,mainly with 3 scores;while mainly with 5 and 4 scores during the COVID-19 epidemic.84.50%of those departments had certain decision-making powers,and an overwhelming majority of the departments were responsible for or participated in a great deal of work,such as guiding personal protection,disinfection and isolation,and developing and updating the system and process of the epidemic prevention and control,and layout transformation.Conclusion The professional structure of our country’s infection control department is single,the number of personnel is insufficient,and the hardware conditions are limited,which cannot meet the work needs of daily and emergency public health events.So the construction of the infection control team and discipline are urgent.The IPCP have undertaken a lot of work during the COVID-19 and made important contributions to the prevention and control of the epidemic.
作者 郑春梅 李铖 向钱 夏粉芳 陈丽萍 张淑华 刘永芳 ZHENG Chunmei;LI Cheng;XIANG Qian;XIA Fenfang;CHEN Liping;ZHANG Shuhua;LIU Yongfang(Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College,Nanchong,Sichuan,637000,China;Healthcare-associated Infection Control Center,Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Sichuan People's Hospital,Chengdu,Sichuan,610072,China;Infection Management Office,the First People's Hospital of Yibin,Yibin,Sichuan,644000,China;Department of Hospital Infection Management,Nanchong Central Hospital,Nanchong,Sichuan,637000,China)
出处 《当代医学》 2022年第14期98-103,共6页 Contemporary Medicine
基金 四川省预防医学会医院感染预防与控制研究基金资助(SCGK201807)。
关键词 医院感染 预防与控制 新型冠状病毒肺炎 调查问卷 Nosocomial infection Prevention and control Corona virus disease 2019 Questionnaire
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