
中国生态扶贫的实践逻辑、政策成效与机制创新 被引量:8

Practical Logic,Policy Effectiveness and Mechanism Innovation of Ecological Poverty Alleviation in China
摘要 系统梳理中国扶贫政策的施政理念、实施效果、政策体系及演变后发现,从2010年开始,中国生态扶贫初步形成了完整的政策体系,在价值取向、目标定位、工作机制等方面呈现出积极特征,各地区根据自身条件探索出各具特色的生态扶贫模式,并取得显著成效。然而,在巩固拓展脱贫成果过程中还面临着诸如脱贫地区经济社会发展不均衡、内生发展动力不强、基础设施薄弱、长效机制不够健全等不足。为了巩固拓展生态脱贫成果,需要将生态扶贫纳入国家中长期扶贫与乡村振兴规划,健全生态脱贫成果拓展机制、生态产品价值实现机制、生态脱贫同乡村振兴协同机制,以及生态扶贫成果共建共享机制。 ⑴Background——Ecological poverty alleviation is China's key poverty alleviation measure in ecologically fragile mountain areas and poverty-stricken areas,and is an improvement in the comprehensive development of mountain areas.⑵Methods——By systematically combing the implementation effect,policy system and evolution of China's poverty alleviation policy,it is found that China's ecological poverty alleviation has formed a complete policy system including ecological industry,ecological migration,ecological compensation and ecological construction.⑶Results——China's ecological poverty alleviation has made remarkable achievements.By the end of 2020,China has established a pattern of ecological poverty alleviation with the central government as a whole,industry as the main driving force and local as the main implementation,and has fully completed the objectives and tasks of ecological poverty alleviation,helping more than 20 million poor people to get rid of poverty and increase income.Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the promotion of governments at all levels,China's ecological poverty alleviation has shown positive characteristics in terms of value orientation,target location and working mechanism.Each region has explored different ecological poverty alleviation models according to its own conditions.The practice and exploration of the national ecological poverty alleviation and sharing development demonstration area has achieved remarkable results.Anyuan model of“Internet+characteristic ecological industry poverty alleviation”,Shangyou model of“ecological industry+ecological engineering poverty alleviation”and Suichuan model of“mechanism innovation+ecological value transformation”have emerged,and the ecological construction and maintenance of poor households has been constructed to increase income and carry out ecological restoration governance,realize the conversion of ecological value and promote the improvement of ecological quality.Ecological poverty alleviation has helped China eliminate absolute poverty,and regional overall poverty has been completely solved.After 2020,China has entered a period of comprehensively consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation,and continuing to promote the development of poor areas and the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.⑷Conclusions and Discussions——As China's poverty-stricken areas that have been lifted out of poverty are highly overlapped with the distribution areas of ecological security barrier areas,ecological fragile areas,resource and environment sensitive areas and ecological protection and restoration projects,challenges and pressures are still existed in the process of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation,such as unbalanced economic and social development in poor areas,weak endogenous development momentum,weak infrastructure,and imperfect long-term mechanism.In order to consolidate and expand the achievements of ecological poverty alleviation,China needs to incorporate ecological poverty alleviation into the national medium and long term poverty alleviation and rural revitalization plan,improve the expansion mechanism of ecological poverty alleviation achievements,the realization mechanism of ecological product value,the coordination mechanism of ecological poverty alleviation and rural revitalization,and the co-construction and sharing mechanism of ecological poverty alleviation achievements.
作者 许正松 徐彩瑶 陆雨 王苓 孔凡斌 XU Zhengsong;XU Caiyao;LU Yu;WANG Ling;KONG Fanbin(Department of Economics and Management,Bozhou University,Bozhou,Anhui 236800,China;College of Economics and Management,Civilization,Zhejiang A&F University,Civilization,Zhejiang A&F University;Institute of Ecological Civilization,Zhejiang A&F University,Civilization,Zhejiang A&F University;Research Academy for Rural Revitalization of Zhejiang Province,Civilization,Zhejiang A&F University,Hangzhou 311300,China)
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2022年第3期225-232,共8页 Issues of Forestry Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(18AJY006) 国家自然科学基金项目(42071283)。
关键词 生态扶贫 实践探索 政策成效 机制创新 ecological poverty alleviation practical exploration policy effect mechanism innovation
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